Business Slogans
77 Funny Slogans & Sayings
Below are the 77 Funny Slogans & Sayings. Share them with your friends.
Some cause happiness wherever they go; others, whenever they go
If your feet smells and your nose run, I’m pretty sure you were built upside down
Be Honest with Yourself: Leave the Lying to Others
Life is a pretty cheesy game, but at least it has good graphics
Smoking helps you relax in the graveyard
Behind every Great man is a woman rolling her eyes
Potty like a rock star
Don’t do drugs, Alcohol is effective
Cool people don’t need to go to school
No one ever says, “It’s only a game“ When their team is winning
Whatever hits the fan will not be distributed evenly
Have you noticed that all the people in favor of birth control are already born?
I’m not afraid of death; I just don’t want to be there when it happens
It is not Cheating, it’s a team work
Dear math grow up and solve your Problems
There’s life without Facebook and Internet? Really? Send me the link
I am not lazy, I am just on my Energy saving mode
Life is short, smile while you still have teeth
3 out of 2 people have trouble with fractions
Happiness is your last exam paper
Dear math, I’m not a therapist, solve your own problems
Life is too short to remove USB safely
My life is very complicated drinking game
Life is a bitch so learn how to fuck it
When nothing goes right……..go left
Its much easier to apologize then it is to get permission
Conserve water, shower with a friend!
Smoke because life is too long
Weight, I’m gainin’ it
Keep calm & bunk from school
Rule of math, if it seems easy, you’re doing it wrong
My favorite Subject in school is nothing
Stop destroying our planet, It’s where I keep all my stuff
Sex is not the answer, yes is the answer
Life is designed to kick your ass
On the other hand, you have different fingers
I hate math but I love counting money
Don’t like me? Cool, I don’t wake up every day to impress you
All my life, I thought air was free, until I bought a bag of chips
The future is shaped by your dreams, so stop wasting time and go to sleep!
Life is like a very long TV show, without a remote control
Keep calm & say no to school
The best things in life are free. The rest are too expensive
School kills
Homework because 7 hours of school wasn’t enough
Life’s too short to go to school
Don’t tell me the skies are the limits when there are footprints on the moon
I’m a Virgin
Don’t Funk With Mother Nature
Go Green, There is no Planet B
Keep the Earth clean not only your bed
Save water & drink champagne
Your mouth is a key of your health
Pretending to concentrate in class so the teacher won’t ask you a question
I’m not afraid to die. I just don’t like the thought of being gone so long!
Growing up is amazing, until you get old!
Save the planet, we have nowhere else to go!
School: Seven crappy hours of our life
I am on a VODKA diet!
Don’t Drink and Drive, You might hit a bump and spill something
Math, mental abuse to humans
High school looks so much cooler on TV
Everything is funnier when you’re not allowed to laugh
An onion a day keeps everyone away
Fat free is the way to be
Drugs, because life is supposed to suck
Eat smart, Don’t fart
Shortcuts cut life short
Facebook: We know more about you than the FBI
Without school it’s really hard to know what day it is
After Tuesday even the calendar say W T F
People say you can’t live without love, I think oxygen is more important
Stop! School ahead
I’m 35% funny & 75% bad at Math
Be alert, your wife needs you
Protect your hands, you need them to pick up your pay check
Learn from others mistakes; don’t have others learn from you
Further Reading
- 65 Funny School Slogans You’ll Love
- 65 Catchy Vote Slogans & Voting Slogans
- 50 Catchy Treasurer Campaign Slogans
- 125 Catchy Student Council Slogans and Creative Taglines
- 40 Great Secretary Campaign Slogans
- 26 Best Homecoming Campaign Slogans
- 40 Funny Student Council Campaign Slogans
- 25 Funny Student Campaign Slogans
- 35 Funny School Campaign Slogans
- 37 Best Class Representative Slogans

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