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75 Great Slogans on Child Education That Have an Impact



In this post you will find 75 Great Slogans on Child Education and Child Education Sayings.


Slogans on Child Education


Where Children Come First

Every Child, Every Chance, Every Day

Educating the Leaders of the Future

Today’s Pupil, Tomorrows President?

No child should be left behind

A Good Pupil has an Eye on the Future

Without books our kids would be crooks

Improve our nation, focus on Child education

It’s so cool to learn at school

Every child yearns to learn

Anchored in Excellence

Books will take you places

Education is power

Give every Child a good start

Education is must to all!

As I Enter These Doors I am Prepared to Learn

Education – Your Door to The Future

The foundation of every state is the education of its youth

A child miseducated is a child lost

Education is our right, stopping child labor is our fight!

For both female and male, education shouldn’t fail

A good education is a sensation

Without schools our children will be fools

I Care About Kids

Each one Teach one

I will make my child study

Learning with Love and Laughter

It Takes a World of Differences to Make a Different World

A Good Character is the End of Education

An education is the key for a brighter future for you and me

Educate! Smart is Great

Knowledge is power

Putting Children First

Your future will be bright, if you study day and night

Focus on education and develop the nation

Failing to prepare is preparing to fail

Education is bitter but the fruit is sweet

Hand in Hand We Learn

Every child has the Right to see the beauty life

Education is a path, not a destination

All the world is a laboratory to the inquiring mind

To really understand something is to be liberated from it

Learn things you didn’t know, expand your horizons, help your brain grow

An education for you and me will help us be all that we can be

Education’s purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one

Education is learning what you didn’t even know you didn’t know

Children are the future, teach them well and let them lead the way

Education is the most powerful weapon, that can change the world

Education is a better safeguard of liberty than a standing army

Kids don’t remember what you try to teach them. They remember what you are

Stop Child labour and give them privilege to stand forward in future generation

Best Slogans on Child Education

Child Education Sayings


Education is the movement from darkness to light.

The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into window.

All real education is the architecture of the soul.

Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom.

Education is not filling a pail but the lighting of a fire.

Education is all a matter of building bridges.

Change is the end result of all true learning.

Education must not simply teach work – it must teach Life.

You learn something every day if you pay attention.

Education is the movement from darkness to light.

Education is not preparation for life, education is life itself.

The best teachers teach from the heart, not from the book.

Education and work are the levers to uplift a people.

Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.

The great aim of education is not knowledge but action.

When a subject becomes totally obsolete we make it a required course.

I never let schooling interfere with my education.

An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.

Education is the development of power and ideal.

Catchy Slogans on Child Education

Further Reading

My passion for writing comes more from reading and writing as a hobby. I am that person who loves to spend time buried in books and research. Enjoy every piece of content you see here as i am here to entertain you with creative words.

