Business Slogans
160 Best Anti Bullying Slogans & Sayings
A collection of 160+ Best Anti Bullying Slogans to motivate people to stand against bullying.
Bullying is the use of force to aggressively dominate others. Bullying behavior is often habitual and repeated. But this can be stopped by telling others or by standing against such behavior. It should never be tolerated because it gets worst if not stopped strongly.
Anti bullying campaigns are the best way to create awareness among people and also to motivate them to stand against bullying. This is the only way to crush down such kind of behavior.
Anti Bullying Slogans
Anti bullying slogans can be used in anti bullying campaigns to make them more effective and also to spread message in a catchy way. Feel free to use them on t-shirts, banners, posters etc. Don’t forget to share them with your friends.
Don’t let anyone ruin your day
Bullying is bad, Don’t make others feel sad
Don’t let one bad egg make you feel rotten
EOB (End of Bullying)
BAD (Bullies Are Dumb)
Do you realize how much YOU hurt!
A bully won’t stop until his mindset is dropped
By being a bully you show everyone what an inferior coward you are
Stop bullying now!
Record it, report it, don’t support it
Be cool in our school, It’s Bully Free And so are we!
Anti Bullying Slogans for Kids
If You Don’t Stand Up For Yourself, You Are Letting The Bully Win!
Make The Grade, Join The Anti-Bully Crusade
Bullies are not cool they’re just cruel
Keep calm and stop bullying
Bullies are despicable
A bully won’t stop until he is stopped
Bullying is like smoking, it can kill
Bully free starts with me
Let’s cheer, bulling is not accepted here!
Be a true buddy, not a false bully
Bullies don’t have REAL friends
Make a plan to hold a hand
A Bully Makes Life a Bitter Pill To Swallow!
Bullies are turds
Be a buddy not a bully
Bullies tear down, friends build up
Be kind, words don’t rewind
Bullying is Whack, Get On The Right Track
Don’t be a bully, be a friend
Support, Report, Defend
Anyone can be a bull, it’s nothing special
Bulling is cruel so don’t act like a fool
Never put someone else down to make yourself feel better
Be proud, no bullies allowed
Bullying? Be Smart, Don’t Start
Make a noise about bullying!
Bullies suck
Keep calm and stump out bullying
Bulls are afraid of the power YOU have
Is your status more important than my feelings?
Bullies are cowards inside
It’s alright to be polite
Rise up against bullying
It isn’t big to make make others feel small
Bullies unwanted
Stop bullying right now!
Use your brain, being a bully won’t gain
Don’t be mean behind the screen
Instagram bully pics are for pricks
Bullies need a big hug
It’s smarter not to be a starter of harsh words
Leave bullying to bulls, Become human
Only cowards are bullies
Stand up and say no to bullying
Stop bullying – Show respect
It’s time to stand up against bullying
Stop the pain YOU cause!
End bullying before it ends a life
Keep smiling, bullies can’t stand it
Help stop bullying – Stand up and speak out
Speak up about bullying
Have you asked yourself why you make others cry?
Step up so others won’t get stepped on
Stand up for ALL, fat, skinny, tall or small
Thank you for not bullying
Stop bullying and let the world smile
Don’t let anyone feel left out…….. be a good friend!
Keep your hands to yourself!
Stop the Cycle of Bullying
Kindness counts, it starts with you
Don’t pick or be a prick!
Zero tolerance for bullies
Some bruises are on the inside, Stop bullying
Stop bullies, right in their tracks
Stop bullying and let the world smile
Don’t stand by, stand up against bullying
Bullying is never OK
Stop bullying before it is too late!!
Don’t act like a creep, bullying hurts deep
Bullying stops here!
Kindness is a priceless jewel
Stop the pain, it’s insane
Turning Your Head to Bullying is Participating
Don’t judge, you are NOT perfect either
Sticks and stones can break my bones, but bullies hurt too
Online harassment has an off-line impact
Say no to bullying
We do not accept bullying here
Let’s stop bullying for all
Help, Don’t Hurt
Save a life – Stop bullying
Delete cyber bullying, don’t write it, don’t forward it
Don’t be a zero, be a hero and refrain from being a bully
Wear Pink – Stop Bullying
Don’t let anyone EVER dull your sparkle
You don’t have to be a cop to tell bullies to stop
Don’t be a bully, it’s not cool
A bully tries to put you down, because they are not up
Bullies tear down, Friends build up
Rise against bullying
I took the anti bullying pledge
Bullies out
Keep calm and Don’t bully
Be the change you wish to see in the world
It takes a stronger person to do what’s right, don’t belittle
Bullies need to make others feel insecure because they are insecure
Be a hero, take a stand against bullying
Niceness is Priceless
Life without bullies can be sweet!
Bullies are like monsters, they prey on others
Take a stand, Lend a Hand
Bullying is for losers
If you ignore it they will think it is okay
Don’t stand by – stand up, stand strong & strong together
A Bully-Free Environment Makes for a Much Better Atmosphere!
Bullies are just cowardly thugs picking on the weaker nearby
Blowing out someone else’s candle doesn’t make yours shine brighter
Sticks and stones may break your bones but mean words can tear holes in your spirit
If people are trying to bring you down it only means that you are above them
Bullies are not accepted here, bullies are the one who should fear
No Bullies Allowed
Students have no right to bully others
Bullying is a bad thing, and a SAD thing
Bullies never win
Bullying breaks hearts
Be buddies – Not bullies
Team up to stop bullying
Stay away from bullying
Don’t be a bully, be a buddy
Bullies target those unlike them
Nasty Names hurt just as much as a knife
No one will miss a bully
Bullying is a cycle that has to end FAST
No more bullying – Enough already
Stop bullying & make a difference!
Take your stand against bullying
No more innocent children need to suffer from bullies
It’s easy to bully, but the really strong help others
Step Up So Others Don’t Get Stepped On
Don’t talk about how you hate bullies, when you’re the bully
Anti Bullying Slogans that Rhyme
Bullying is bad, Don’t make others feel sad
Make The Grade, Join The Anti-Bully Crusade
Let’s cheer, bulling is not accepted here!
Be a true buddy, not a false bully
Be kind, words don’t rewind
Bullying is Whack, Get On The Right Track
Be proud, no bullies allowed
It’s alright to be polite
Use your brain, being a bully won’t gain
Stand up for ALL, fat, skinny, tall or small
Don’t act like a creep, bullying hurts deep
Bullying is a bad thing, and a SAD thing
Further Reading
- 55 Best Anti Cyber Bullying Slogans & Sayings
- 65 Catchy Anti Bullying Slogans for Kids
- 50 Catchy Slogans on Adult Education
- 70 Popular Slogans On Teachers
- 40 Best Productivity Slogans and Sayings
- 150 Best Slogans On Education & Education Advertisement Slogans
- 40 Catchy Yearbook Slogans
- List of USA Presidential Campaign Slogans
- List of Famous Political Slogans
- 27 Funny Work Slogans

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