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300 Welcome Back to School Slogans & Back to School Sayings



In this post, you will find Great Back To School Slogans, Back to School Advertising Slogans, Welcome Back to School Slogans, Back to School Campaign Slogans, and Back to School Sayings.


Back to School Slogans

Eat your words!


Knowledge is tasty!


Work and play here.


Let learning begin!


Touching Lives Forever


We missed your presence.


Make more friends today!


It’s time for some fun.


Your future starts today!


Class is back in session.


This is the best day ever!


A Partnership in Discovery


Let’s get ready to learn.


It’s cool to be in school.


It’s a time for discovery!


Quality learning right here.


Embrace the new school year!


It’s that time of year again


Everyone Successful Everyday


You’re always welcome here.


We missed your smiling faces.


It’s back to classes again!


Let the fun in learning begin!


Back to school and lookin cool


Let your imagination run wild.


You’re going to love school.


It’s time for some learning.


Back to school and looking Cool


Keep calm and meet new friends.


Learn something cool every day.


Let’s get back to your future.


Let’s start learning together!


Welcome back to your second home.


Above and Beyond the Call of Duty


Big cheer for the new school year!


We can’t wait to have you around!


We enter to learn, leave to achieve


Committed to Excellence in Education


You are going to have a great start!


It’s time to get back to the usual.


You should fear, back to school is here!


Time to shed a tear, back to school is here


New class, Fresh faces, a new year embraces


When the student is ready, the master appears


It’s going to be the best time of your life.


(Insert school name) is glad to have you back.


Let’s give a big cheer for a new school year!


The dreaded time is near, back to school is here


It’s back to having the best time of your life.


You learn something every day if you pay attention


How fast summer passes, we’re back to our classes


We’ve upgraded and expanded the school lunch menu.



Note if you are looking for Smart School Slogan & Back To School Slogans for Promotion then you might visit this blog: Smart School Slogan & Back To School Slogans for Promotion



Back to School Advertising Slogans


Funny Back to School Slogans

Back at it again!


Never ending grind.


Books and new looks.


Back to school? Cool!


Sharpen those pencils.


Where learning begins.


Back to work and play.


It’s like we never left.


Goodbye bed. Hello school.


School is where the fun is.


The return of the roll call.


Pumped for the new school year!


It’s time for some school fun.


Weekdays are going to be booked!


At long last. Actual classmates!


We’re taking attendance again.


Acads and extra curriculars again!


Back at it again on the school bus!


Make new friends. Learn new things.


It’s time to learn more than ABCs.


Let the new school year be funtastic!


Are you ready to do it all over again?


Gear up for a rockin’ new school year.


It’s time to face your teachers again.


Where learning just never seems to stop.


It’s time for new crushes. And classes.


Where everything is just more interesting.


Show off those new back to school fashion.


The best things in life are found at school.


Ready those new kicks for the new school year.


May the new school year not bring any headaches.


May you actually attend all your classes this year.


New school year resolution: actually pay attention.



Back to School Advertising Slogans

Get the grades!


Buckle up, kids!


Learning is fun.


Step up your game!


Ready, set, learn!


Get ready to shine.


Good days are ahead.


A Tradition of Pride


School is in session!


Make every day count.


New semester, new you!


Time to hit the books!


You are what you study


Semester 1 has arrived.


Home of Quality Schools


It’s time for school!


Dedicated to Excellence


Because school is cool.


Greatest Kids in America


Achieving High Standards


A great year awaits you!


Get ready to learn a lot!


Education Is Our Business


Work harder, play harder.


We can’t wait for class!


School’s in session, yo!


Start strong, end stronger!


Let’s get ready to learn!


This is your time to shine!


Less stress, more learning!


Back to school, back to fun.


It’s time for a new start.


Let’s get our learning on.


Back to school, back to fun!


Time to hit the books again!


Back to school, back to work.


It’s a learning experience.


Achieving Excellence Together


You deserve better than this.


Enabling Our Students to Learn


Bring on the learning and fun!


School is where it all begins.


Back to school. Back to basics!


Bringing Excellence to Students


One more year, one more chance.


It’s time for new adventures.


Don’t be a fool! Get schooled!


Creating Our Children’s Future


I’m ready for an amazing year!


A year of progress starts today!


Get ready for a new school year!


Back to school, back to studying.


Back to school, back at it again.


Accelerating into a new semester.


I’m gonna do my best this year.


Making Your Child’s World Better


I’m excited to learn new things!


Knowledge is power, use it wisely!


Learn more, earn more, live better!


Get ready for a new era of learning


Back to school: it’s not a fluke!


Let’s get started on our new year!


Break a sweat and make some progress!


This is going to be my best year yet!


School is the best place for learning.


Good luck with your studies this year!


Stay focused, stay ahead of the curve.


Start with a plan, and make it happen.


Back to school, back to being awesome.


Let’s open our books and get reading!


Back-to-school season is in full swing!


Don’t just survive this year—thrive!


School is where your dreams take flight.


Do your best! And that’s all you need.


Make some noise for the new school year!


I’m so excited for the new school year!


Education is your passport to the future.


We’re excited to have you in our class!


It’s time to get that pencil sharpened!


School’s in session—let’s get smart!


You’re going to love this year’s class!


Summer was nice, now it’s time for books!


Time to hit the books and learn some stuff!


We want you to succeed! Let’s get started!


Time to get back on track with your education!


It’s time to get your school supplies ready!


Ready for some challenging classes? Bring it on!


We’re going to make the best of this situation.


Let’s get this school year started with a bang!


We’re counting on you to do your best this year!


Dreams do come true – if you work hard for them!


This year, we’re all going to make some history!


It’s time to get your schoolbooks out of storage!


Take your education seriously, but not too seriously.


It’s time to set yourself up for success this year!


We can’t wait to see what you produce this semester!


School is just around the corner…time to buckle down!


I’m going to rock this school year like never before!


A new school year is here, so let’s make some memories!


Wake up and smell the books! It’s time to go back to school!


The first day of school is the most important day of your life.


I love school! I love teachers! I love learning more and more…


Back to school is the best time of year for learning and growth!


It’s time to go back to school, so you can get your grades up!


Back to school! You never know what could happen if you open yourself up!


School is a place where you can learn new things every day! (and be happier)


Don’t worry about grades—they don’t matter as much as you think they do.


Back to school is a chance for you to make new friends and reconnect with old ones.


It’s time to start school again, and we’re here to help you get prepared for it!



Welcome Back to School Slogans

Grow each year.


Look cool for school!


Feed on new knowledge.


Time for classes again


Back to class is here!


School: Your second home


Let the learning commence.


School is the place to be.


The school bell is calling.


Greatness is achieved here.


Taste sweet knowledge today!


The taste of success is sweet


New brain development awaits!


Achieve everything at school.


Play, Learn and Grow Together


Coming back to our Alma Matter.


Welcome back to the sweet memories


The school bell welcomes you back.


Keep calm and Welcome back to school


Education is the path to the future.


Come to school and express yourself!


Welcome back to the educational pack.


It’s time to meet some fresh faces!


Tis the season for a new school year.


Welcome back to the city of knowledge


The waiting to say, Welcome back kids


Welcome back to the world of learning.


Welcome back to the world of knowledge


Back to class because summer has passed.


It’s time to grasp education by the reins.


Hip hip hooray for being back to school today!


Say hi to teachers and meet new and old friends.


Look hip and cool since you’re back to school.


It’s time to reconnect and meet new companions.


The world of knowledge is here to welcome you back!


May your lives be touched with new learning and friendship.


May the drive to learn fill you on this entire school year.


May the first day of school bring you amazing new knowledge and friends.


Welcome Back to School: Education is the movement from darkness to light.



Back to School Campaign Slogans

You go guys!


Cool outfit!


We soar high.


Nobody quits.


Imagine Greatness


Your ideas matter.


Live. Laugh. Learn.


Unity and teamwork.


Where Learning Begins


Hold thy banner high.


Where your kids excel.


Hooray to new friends!


Happy to have you back.


Everyone Is an Achiever


Believe you can succeed.


Here, we develop success.


Mentoring future leaders.


You can be yourself here.


Join a sports club today!


The video club wants you!


Every student comes first.


We prepare for the future.


We work hard and play hard.


Your activities missed you!


Our school spirit is solid.


Love to see you guys again!


We missed having you around.


Happy to have you back home.


Living the educational life.


Where Students Are Achievers


It’s the school year again!


You add color to this school.


Where we always seize the day.


We’ve got the school spirit.


It’s great to have you back.


School isn’t fun without you.


Your awesome story begins here.


Every student here is a winner.


Get active with these new clubs.


Welcome back to your Alma Matter.


We missed you being on the field!


Where tomorrow’s leaders learn.


We never run out of determination.


We’re going to have so much fun!


We can’t wait to get to know you.


Sign ups for clubs are always open.


It’s going to be an amazing year!


School is livelier with you around.


We teach the children of the future.


We miss your bright and spunky vibe.


Soaring high with our school spirit.


Education – Your Door to The Future


We always have our best foot forward.


We sparkle with (insert school colors).


Where education and play come together.


You’re going to rock this school year.


Molding the youth to become great people.


Academics and camaraderie all in one roof.


This year is extra special with you in it.


We raise our school banner loud and proud.


He who opens a school door, closes a prison


Educating ourselves and others is the goal.


The future is bright at (insert school name).


Bringing excellence beyond classroom learning.


Our school pride bleeds (insert school colors).


Education is the movement from darkness to light


The glee club needs some fresh new voices. Join us!


Today is going to be a great start to the new school year.


Whatever it is you’re up for this school year, we got you!


Education’s purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one


Education is learning what you didn’t even know you didn’t know



Back to School Sayings


Back to School Sayings

The best teachers teach from the heart, not from the book.


The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.


Education is not filling a pail but the lighting of a fire.


I’m going back to school because the judge said I had to.


Just because it’s hard doesn’t mean it’s not worth it!


Your back to school style is going to be on point this year!


As long as there are tests, there will be prayer in schools.


Back to school means it’s time for me to get my mind right.


Forget about your worries and your strife…go back to school!


The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows.


Start your year off right with a fresh start and new knowledge.


School is a building which has four walls with tomorrow inside.


Education is a better safeguard of liberty than a standing army.


Education is not preparation for life, education is life itself.


I’m not skipping class, I’m just taking a mental health day.


Summer is over. We’re back to homework and long sleeved shirts.


The only thing better than going to school is not going to school.


I didn’t do it, nobody saw me do it, you can’t prove anything.


I’ve been promoted to middle school…now I’m busier than ever!


We’ve got spirit, yes we do! We’ve got spirit, how ’bout you?


The ink of the scholar is more sacred than the blood of the martyr.


Back to school means new friends, new teachers, and new experiences.


When a subject becomes totally obsolete we make it a required course.


The only thing better than summer vacation is the first day of school!


There are three good reasons to be a teacher – June, July, and August.


The larger the island of knowledge, the longer the shoreline of wonder.


A journey towards education begins with a single step towards the bus stop!


It’s back to school shopping time again. Smells like Back To School Time!


Back to school means learning what’s important and forgetting what isn’t.


It doesn’t make much difference what you study, as long as you don’t like it.


Back to school is the perfect time to start a new hobby or learn something new.


I’m so excited for another year of learning and growth! Let’s do this thing!


Back to school…Back to a bunch of kids that are gonna make my life a living hell


School: A place where paper grows on trees and multiplication is the longest word.


Back to school is an opportunity for you to make memories that will last a lifetime.


There’s no better time than now to make a change in your life and do something new!


Welcome back to school, a place where some pursue learning and others learn pursuing.


Anyone who thinks the art of conversation is dead ought to tell a child to go to bed.


School’s open, brains close. I hate school. I hate homework… I HATE EVERYTHING!!!!!


The days are getting shorter and the nights are getting longer, so get ready for school!


Ready for a great school year full of learning opportunities and friendships like no other.


A teacher’s job is to take a messy child and turn them into a messy adult that can pay taxes.


Back to school means learning how much better life becomes when we’re not focused on just ourselves.


School, it’s not a home, it’s the building where you sleep during the day and do homework at night.



Back To School Slogans


Further Reading

Best School Election Campaign Slogans

Funny School Campaign Slogans

Best Middle School Campaign Slogans

Best High School Campaign Slogans

Catchy School Campaign Slogans Ideas, Short & Funny

Catchy School Advertisement Slogans And Great Taglines

Best School Spirit Slogans And Great Taglines

Catchy Campaign Slogans for Student Council Elections

Catchy Slogans On the Importance Of Education & Taglines

My passion for writing comes more from reading and writing as a hobby. I am that person who loves to spend time buried in books and research. Enjoy every piece of content you see here as i am here to entertain you with creative words.

