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420 Catchy High School Campaign Slogans, Funny and Short



Hello there, high school campaigners! Are you looking to take your election game to the next level with some catchy slogans? You are in the right place. 

In this blog post, you will get your dream High School Campaign Slogans that will make you the talk of the school. Whether you aim to become the class president, the student council superstar, or any other role, a catchy slogan can be your best point.

Let’s find a catchy and funny slogan for your high school campaign that will help you stand out. Share these slogans on social media and your election posters. 

Note: If you’re looking for some Catchy School Campaign slogan ideas, there’s a whole article dedicated to that: Catchy School Campaign Slogans Ideas


High School Campaign Slogans

Action born and bred


Keep cool with _______


Treasure this treasurer!


Keep calm and vote _______


Vote (Your Name)! Just Do it


Solutions for Student Council


Don’t be late. Vote for _______


Wanted (Insert Your Name) for Secretary


Vote for _______. She brushes her teeth!


Take a stand! The results will be grand!


Made you LOOK! Vote for (Insert Your Name)


If You are reading this, vote for ________


You won’t be sad when you vote for________


This little piggy chose (Insert Your Name)


You want something done, (Your Name) the one!


I’ll pass this school to the top–vote for me


Like baseball? Throw your vote to (Your Name)


I’m the missing Piece, vote for me (Your Name)


You mean you DID NOT vote for (Insert Your Name)?


We don’t just learn the rules, we make the rules


(Your Name) – the ‘write’ choice for secretary


Don’t trash your vote – Choose (Insert Your Name)


Vote for (Insert Your Name) for VP – Thor has spoken


Look who’s voting for (Your Name) (poster with mirror on it)


If you vote for me, all of your wildest dreams will come true


Why is Grumpy cat so grumpy? He did not vote for (Insert Your Name)


Your powers are not in your strengths but in how you use your strengths


When put to the test, I will be the best – Vote (Your Name) for Treasurer


The language of complaint starts with them. The language of solutions starts with I


If you want to be cool, and be at the best school, Vote for (Name) and make sure he rules!


Morning to do list: Brush Teeth, Make Bed, Get Ready for the day, Vote for (Insert Your Name)


I’m not asking you to vote for me. I’m just asking you to tick the box next to my name – (Insert Your Name)


Vote for (Insert Your Name)! Abraham Lincoln could probably have done a better job, but he is a little indisposed for now



High School President Campaign Slogans

Dream, Believe, Lead


Dream Big, Lead Boldly


A Leader for All Seasons


Dream. Believe. Achieve.


Keep calm and vote_______


Courage, Conviction, Change


A Presidency for the People


A Fresh Start, A Bold Future


Putting People First, Always


Putting America Back on Track


Forward Thinking, Bold Action


An American Dream Revitalized


Innovation, Equality, Progress


Inclusion, Progress, and Unity


Inspiring Hope, Leading Change


A New Vision, A Brighter Future


Inspiring Change, Igniting Hope


Moving America Forward, Together


Innovation for a Stronger Nation


America Rising, America Thriving


Together We Can Make a Difference


Together We Can, Together We Will


Leading the Way, Lighting the Path


From Promise to Progress, Together


Building Bridges, Bridging Divides


United We Stand, Progress We Demand


Strength in Unity, Progress for All


Standing Tall, Reaching New Heights


Forward Together, Stronger Than Ever


A New Era of Progress and Prosperity


Innovation, Integrity, and Inclusion


Leading with Heart, Guided by Wisdom


Empowering Dreams, Transforming Lives


America’s Voice, America’s Choice


For a Stronger Tomorrow, Choose Today


Empowering America, One Step at a Time


Leading with Honor, Serving with Pride


For a Better Future, Choose Leadership


Together We Thrive, Together We Succeed


Leading with Integrity, Inspiring Trust


Believe in America, Believe in Tomorrow


For a Stronger America, Vote for Change


Uniting Our Nation for a Better Tomorrow


A Fresh Perspective, A Brighter Tomorrow


A Bridge to Prosperity, A Beacon of Hope


Inspiring Greatness, Uniting for Success


A Presidency of Opportunity and Equality


It shouldn’t be too hard, vote for________


Reimagining America, Empowering the People


A Champion for Change, A Voice for Justice


Empowering Communities, Empowering America


Transforming Challenges into Opportunities


A Legacy of Excellence, A Future of Success


Uniting Our Diversity, Building Our Strength


Leading America Towards Prosperity and Peace


Building a Better Nation, One Step at a Time


Building a Stronger Nation, One Vote at a Time


Leading with Vision, Building a Brighter Future


A Presidency of Action, A Legacy of Achievement


Putting America First, Building a Global Legacy


For a female – Vote for me – I’ll Go All the Way


A President for the People, A Voice for the Future


Leadership for All, Opportunity for Every American


Bright Idea – Vote (Your Name) for Class President


Leading with Compassion, Building with Determination


Unleashing America’s Potential, Uniting Our Strengths


Championing American Values, Empowering American Dreams


The only public part of the success story is the last act


If you always succeed, you are overqualified for your job


Renewing the American Spirit, Restoring American Greatness


Optimism does not say the bad won’t happen. It says you can cope with it


Mirror on the Wall. Who is the best Vote for them all? (Your Name) for President!


I mustache you a question – Will you vote for me? (Insert Your Name) for President


Once you hear a lecture on swimming, you never forget what you learned about lectures


I don’t run very often, but when I do, it’s for PRESIDENT – (Insert Your Name) for President





Funny High School Campaign Slogans








Funny High School Campaign Slogans

Laugh, vote, repeat!


Straight talk from _______


Join the fun, vote for me!


Choose joy, choose my campaign!


Vote for laughter, vote for me!


Don’t be silly. Vote for ______


I promise fewer taxes, more tacos!


Vote for _______ She has two hands


Don’t be a sourpuss, vote for me!


I’ll bring the funny to politics!


U mean you didn’t vote for________


Tickle your funny bone, vote for me!


A vote for me is a vote for happiness!


School sucks, your president shouldn’t


Choosing me means choosing a good time!


Vote for________, she brushes her teeth!


I promise politics with a side of humor!


If you want smiles, vote for me in miles!


Make your mark with a smile, vote for me!


You want something done ______ is the one!


I’ll bring back the dinosaurs… as pets!


Choosing me means choosing fun, guaranteed!


Election season just got a whole lot funnier!


Choose me, and we’ll have a blast in office!


I’ll bring the chuckles, you bring the votes!


Vote for me, the antidote to political boredom!


Elect me and let’s turn politics into a party!


Laugh your way to the voting booth, vote for me!


Vote for me, the candidate with a sense of humor!


A vote for me is a vote for unlimited cat videos!


Vote for me, the candidate of smiles and giggles!


Vote for me, because laughter is the best policy!


I’ll make sure the White House is the Fun House!


Let’s make politics hilarious again, vote for me!


Let’s bring joy back to politics, one vote at a time!


Vote for me, and I’ll make sure Mondays are optional!


Vote for me, because I promise free pizza every Friday!


Vote for me, because life needs a little more laughter!


I’ll be the candidate who turns frowns into applause!


Vote for me, and let’s create a government of laughter!


Elect me and let’s turn the Capitol into a comedy club!


I’ll make politics less snooze-worthy and more amusing!


I promise to bring joy, jokes, and jellybeans to politics!


I’ll be the candidate who keeps you laughing and voting!


Vote for me, and let’s put a smile on democracy’s face!


I’ll be the candidate who knows how to have a good laugh!


Election season got you down? I’m here to bring the funny!


I’ll be the candidate who turns politics into a comedy show!


If elected, I’ll replace all traffic lights with disco balls!


I’ll keep the campaign trail entertaining from start to finish!


Let’s inject some humor into politics, starting with your vote!


I know this might be cheesy but voting for _________ is really easy!


I’ll be the candidate who puts the ‘fun’ in fundamental change!


If laughter is the best medicine, I’m the cure for political apathy!


I’ll make sure every speech ends with a punchline, not a filibuster!


Vote for me, the candidate who knows how to lighten the political mood!


Choose me, because politics should be a comedy of errors, not a tragedy!


Elect a dynamic leader who will work hard on your behalf. Or vote for Pete


Vote for me, the candidate who will tickle your funny bone and your ballot!


Choosing me means choosing a government that knows how to have a good laugh!


I promise to bring levity, laughter, and lots of lightheartedness to office!


If elected, I’ll replace the presidential motorcade with a parade of clowns!





Campaign Slogans for High School Elections






Campaign Slogans for High School Elections

Lead By Example.


Make A Difference.


Create The Future.


Lead From The Front.


Live Your Best Life.


Quality in government


Class President? You Bet!


Change you can believe in


Be The Leader Of Your Class.


Will you please vote for me?


Class President Is Hard Work.


Achieve More With Technology.


I hope I can count on your vote


Even God can’t please everybody


Be Honest And True To Yourself.


You Can Never Have Too Much Fun.


It Is The Foundation For Success.


Get Out There And Make It Happen.


Choose the _______. Choose the right


Tell A Story That’s Unique To You.


Help Lead Our Student Body To Success.


Your Job Is To Make All Of Us A Winner.


No One Can Stop Us If We Stand Together.


You Have The Power To Make A Difference.


We Trust You To Make The Right Decision.


It’s Not What You Know, But Who You Know.


Your Best Friend And Helpmate Through College.


Leadership Is About Making Difficult Decisions.


Every problem is an opportunity being mishandled


Be Yourself, Be Unique, Be Yourself, Be Original.


Have The Class That Represents You Lead The Class.


The World Is Watching, So Be Bold, Fearless, And Proud!


To Ensure That You Make It, You Need To Make The Right Moves.



Further Reading

Best School Election Campaign Slogans

Funny School Campaign Slogans

Best Middle School Campaign Slogans

Catchy School Campaign Slogans Ideas, Short & Funny


Best Back to School Campaign Slogans

Catchy School Slogans, Taglines, and Mottos

Catchy School Advertisement Slogans And Great Taglines

Best School Spirit Slogans And Great Taglines

Catchy Campaign Slogans for Student Council Elections

Catchy Slogans On the Importance Of Education & Taglines

My passion for writing comes more from reading and writing as a hobby. I am that person who loves to spend time buried in books and research. Enjoy every piece of content you see here as i am here to entertain you with creative words.

