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300 Unique Save Earth Slogans & Short Save Earth Quotes



“Save Earth” has never been this critical priority in our campaigns, slogans, and actions. People need to realize the urgency of it all and Raise as much awareness as possible. This article aims to bring you a collection of “Save Earth Slogans” tackling multiple issues in one place. We are confident that you will find “Save Earth Slogans” that will help raise your voice and leave a substantial impact on the cause.



Save Earth Slogans

  • Recycling & Bicycling will save the earth
  • It’s a lovely day to be a citizen of the world.
  • Stand up for what you stand on
  • Join the race to make the world a better place.
  • One Earth, One Chance.
  • Let’s save the Earth together
  • Unite and save the earth.
  • Give the earth a big chance
  • Save earth to continue the happiness.
  • Earth… What a Great Host
  • Love the world you’re ON
  • You have the power today, to change tomorrow.
  • You can make a world of difference
  • If you destroy the Earth, you destroy life.
  • Save Earth to continue living here.
  • Save the earth and live longer.
  • Save earth, forget the rest
  • Change the Politics, Not the Climate
  • Always Shun Earth Solution
  • Save earth for the next birth
  • Help, earth is dying slowly
  • We are the world
  • Respect your mother


earth day slogans-Be a earth lover


Top 10 Save Earth Slogans

  1. Conserve life!!!!
  2. Save it to be saved.
  3. Say no to plastic bags
  4. There’s No Planet B.
  5. We are committing suicide
  6. There is no earth 2.0
  7. Don’t trash our future
  8. Earth is your Wealth
  9. Your planet needs you.
  10. Protect nature protect the earth.

earth day slogans-Everyday should be earth day


Best Slogans on Earth

The most powerful thing is to realize that no matter what race, ethnicity, or nation we belong to we all have one place “Earth” from this perspective we need to assume collective responsibility. There needs to be a sense and system of collectiveness where resources are exchanged and responsibilities are taken and shared.

For the love of mother Earth here is a list of “Best Slogans on Earth”

  • Nature speaks to us and we must listen
  • Love the earth, it’s the only choice
  • Save the Earth! We can’t move to Mars!
  • We do not have another Earth. We must save this one.
  • For our kids keep saving the earth
  • Fight climate change or dye frying
  • Stop denying the world is dying
  • Earth allows you to stand. Let the earth stand the way it is.
  • Save forests and stay healthy
  • Always act for safer earth!
  • Global Warming isn’t cool but stopping it is
  • Every day should be earth day. It’s not just an event, it’s a way of life.
  • The earth is all we have in common
  • The Earth: Love it or leave it
  • Keep the Earth Clean, it’s not Uranus
  • Don’t be so hollow, or civilization will be swallowed
  • I’m glad to be alive in this world today.
  • Stop Littering, the Earth is not your garbage can
  • Think Globally – Act Locally
  • Stand up for the earth
  • Love your mother? Don’t act up. Act greener.
  • A Good Planet Is impossible to Find.
  • It’s Earth Day. . . Start cleaning the only room we got.
  • Life is possible only on earth, protect it


earth day slogans-Love the earth, it’s the only choice


Save Nature Slogan

Us humans obviously left no stone unturned in destroying this earth for good but Mother Nature is the only thing that made the planet livable for all species. It is high time that we stop interfering and try to restore what we have destroyed.

Let’s promote Save Nature Slogans

  • The Earth is a special planet
  • Cut down a tree, cut down life.
  • Dare to be a Force of Nature.
  • Stop cutting trees, they are the lungs of our earth
  • Save wildlife and wildlife will save you
  • Join hands to save trees
  • Save forests for your kids
  • Save nature and nature will save your life and future
  • Save earth now or we go under
  • Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level
  • Live long and save wildlife
  • Planet over profit
  • Grow plants, support afforestation, and keep the earth green
  • Save trees for your life
  • Save wildlife – Save future
  • Be awesome and save nature
  • The time for talk is over.
  • Save wildlife for your better tomorrow
  • Nature is our treasure, help save it
  • Don’t be a fossil fool
  • Our ecology needs an apology from us.
  • Let’s save nature
  • Save Paper – Save trees
  • Put your mind to planning today. Look into the future
  • Love Mother Earth. She deserves more.
  • Don’t throw your future away.
  • Save trees or Die!!!!!!!

earth day slogans-Focus on earth for your future


Save Water Save Earth Slogans

Every living being, including plants, needs water to survive and to live a healthy life, and nothing on this earth can survive a day without water.

The water shortage is more than ever, and it is expected that by 2030, many countries will face severe water shortages.

We have collated a list of “Save Water Save Earth Slogans” for you to get this message out there to everyone.

  • Save water today, use water tomorrow
  • Save water – every drop counts
  • Save water, save life & save the world
  • Save the World, Share a Shower
  • Water is priceless. Save this treasure with pleasure.
  • Walk in the desert, you will realize the cost of Water
  • Take showers instead of baths
  • Save water for a dry day
  • Don’t Drop Out to Save The Drop
  • The best gift you can give to coming generations is water
  • 44-minute shower, not a quarter-hour!
  • Love your wife & save water
  • Water makes the world go around
  • Put a brick in your toilet tank, to save water
  • Save water for your children
  • Save water, it will save you later!
  • Water is precious, Conserve when you do dishes
  • No water, no life
  • Fix leaky sinks
  • Save water for your bright future
  • Save Some Water for mankind, Close the tap, and don’t be blind
  • The rich and poor all need water.
  • There is a thin line between using water and wasting water




Save Earth Save Life Slogans

Of course, there is no life without Earth; I mean, you could argue there are mars and the moon but then again when the class system has ever allowed everyone in the world to have access to opportunities even though they have the most share in exploitation. We only have Earth to live.

  • There can be no Justice without Climate Justice
  • Save Earth. Save ourselves.
  • Save earth – Save future
  • Save Earth. Save natural resources.
  • Heaven on earth, is not a place to find but a decision to make
  • Do not wait for the clock to click twice
  • Save the Earth. Leave life intact.
  • Nurture Nature, Save Future.
  • Listen to the Cries of the World
  • Save the world, save yourself.
  • It’s not an investment if it’s destroying the planet
  • Save Earth to save many lives
  • Save the Earth. Leave a ray of hope.



Save Planet Earth Slogans

  • Let’s speak up for the trees
  • Live long and save animals
  • Earth day – down-to-earth initiatives
  • Earth: Warning, Contents may be hot.
  • Once the Earth dies, which side do you reside on?
  • A bonus section
  • Be polite, save the earth
  • Safer the planet earth healthier the life
  • If you cut a tree you cut your life
  • Plant a tree for me.
  • Our planet has no alternative; please save it.
  • Live gently upon this Earth
  • Save the earth, it’s the only planet with wine
  • Focus on earth for your future
  • Think for the Planet!
  • Live and let live
  • Raise your voice to save earth
  • Save forests and move forward



Earth Day Slogans That Rhyme

When Slogans Rhyme, they just catch more attention and are often more popular. When fighting for the earth, let’s leave no stone unturned.

Here are Catchy Earth Day Slogans That Rhyme

  • Reuse the Past, Recycle the Present, Save the Future.
  • Breathe out and make a tree happy.
  • Protect our earth today for our children’s tomorrow.
  • When you refuse to reuse,  it’s our Earth you abuse
  • Don’t disgrace, Embrace
  • Green energy doesn’t cost the earth.
  • It’s the only Earth we’ve got.
  • We want you to recycle today. Why? It is EARTH DAY.
  • We have to start doing it. We have to act!!! Cleaner brighter greener.
  • Do you know what day is today? It’s EARTH DAY.
  • Love earth and live long
  • Let’s help on EARTH DAY because it is important
  • Mother Earth, she gave us birth
  • Continue to abuse and we all lose.
  • Earth Day isn’t just another day.



Save Mother Earth Slogans

  • Zero waste. Save Earth.
  • Clean up the earth, it’s the only home we have
  • Save earth, save your mother
  • Save your globe, save yourself
  • Hey Dad, plant a tree for me!
  • Protect the forests. They are the climate umbrellas of our planet.
  • Treat the earth how you want earth to treat you
  • Keep the oceans blue, the planet green, and the animals safe.
  • We don’t have anywhere else to go, so stop destroying this one.
  • Our planet, our home
  • One planet, One chance. We will not get another world to live on
  • We are in the Earth’s hands. Our world is in our hands.
  • Be environmentally conscious
  • Let’s join hands to save earth
  • If saving the world was easy everybody would be doing it!
  • Love the earth like your mother
  • The biggest threat to our planet is that someone else will save it




Slogan About Protecting the Environment

The environment itself is very nourishing and nurturing it’s us and pollution caused by us in the name of development that is damaging the environment.

Please choose loads of slogans from this section and take firm action on it Environment needs this, and Earth needs us to take action.

  • TREES: Plant it for the Planet.
  • It is My duty to save the environment’s beauty
  • Better environment, better tomorrow
  • Our planet is precious and only we can save it
  • Save Paper – Save trees – Save earth
  • Protect the earth for the next generations
  • Come on, make your mother proud.
  • Won’t anybody think about the children
  • Animals need homes too. Don’t cut down forests.
  • Climate justice for this climate chaos
  • Learn to recycle and use your bicycle
  • Trees… Hug ‘em while you’ve got
  • Eradicate pollution, Save the environment
  • If global warming is a lot, it makes the earth hot
  • Save the environment or ruin our future
  • Live local, think global, stay hopeful
  • Lend a Hand to save the Land
  • Our Environment is in your hands
  • Save the Environment, Go ECO
  • Earth hates pollution
  • Keep Calm and save the Earth
  • Pollution is never a Solution.



Slogans On Go Green Save Earth

Planting more trees, Recycling, and opting for an eco-friendly lifestyle are a few measures that can help save the earth little by little. This section is to inspire people to adopt that long overdue eco-friendly Lifestyle.

Best Slogan on Go Green Save Earth

  • Green Earth – Happy Earth
  • Green it, as you mean it!
  • Keep your surroundings green, make the earth green
  • Green is the new pink
  • Don’t panic, go organic
  • Which one is better, the warm planet or the green planet?
  • Be an earth lover
  • What will your children breathe?
  • Buy Green and Save Green
  • Happiness is being green
  • Recycle the present, save the future
  • Think green
  • The green earth, better earth
  • Plant it for the Planet
  • Live Green, Love Green, Think Green, Dream Green
  • Modern technology owes ecology an apology.
  • Saving Earth: We’re all on this thing together
  • Save earth for the next birth
  • Go green or I’ll scream
  • Wanted! Seas and Oceans – Dead or Alive?
  • Kiss Me, I’m Organic
  • Be a Green-inner
  • Go green and save green
  • May the Forest be with you.
  • Rebirth our earth
  • Earth day greening Go to the ends of the earth
  • One Earth – One Chance
  • Earth First, we’ll strip-mine the other planets later
  • Keep the earth green and clean




Save Earth Quotes

To inspire you to save the earth, here is a collection of Quotes on “Save Earth,” expressing the harsh reality of our doom, or expressing love for mother earth and emphasizing the urgency of taking measures. We have made this section to inspire, and we hope through this, you will inspire a lot more.

Here are Inspiring Save Earth Quotes


“One planet, one experiment.”


“Waste is a tax on the whole people.”


“Humanity is on the march, earth itself is left behind.”


“He that plants trees love others besides himself.”


“Because we don’t think about future generations, they will never forget us.”


“Time spent among trees is never time wasted.”


“Man is a complex being: he makes deserts bloom – and lakes die.”


“The proper use of science is not to conquer nature but to live in it.”


“Nature provides a free lunch, but only if we control our appetites.”


“Nature is painting for us, day after day, pictures of infinite beauty.”


“What’s the use of a fine house if you haven’t got a tolerable planet to put it on.”


“I only feel angry when I see waste. When I see people throwing away things we could use.”


“Dear future generations: Please accept our apologies. We were rolling drunk on petroleum.”


“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not every man’s greed.”


“Plans to protect air and water, wilderness and wildlife are in fact plan to protect man.”


“It is horrifying that we have to fight our own government to save the environment.”


“The sun is the only safe nuclear reactor, situated as it is some ninety-three million miles away.”


“Out of all those millions and millions of planets floating around there in space, this is our planet, this is our little one, so we just got to be aware of it and take care of it.”


“We have forgotten how to be good guests, how to walk lightly on the earth as its other creatures do.”


“The fate of the living planet is the most important issue facing mankind.”


“The plant always grows whether we see it or not, and that’s the lesson of life. We have to protect the earth, even if someone is doing it or not.”


“Suburbia is where the developer bulldozes out the trees, then names the streets after them.”


“Only when the last tree has died and the last river has been poisoned and the last fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money.”


“We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.”


“A margin of life is developed by Nature for all living things – including man. All life forms obey Nature’s demands – except man, who has found ways of ignoring them.”


“When one tug at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world.”


“You have to hold yourself accountable for your actions, and that’s how we’re going to protect the Earth.”


“The environment is where we all meet; where we all have a mutual interest; it is the one thing all of us share.”




Frequently Asked Questions


What is the Slogan for Earth?

  1. Nurture the Nature.
  2. Keep the Earth Clean and Green.
  3. Go Green and Save Green
  4. Keep our Earth green and clean.
  5. Reuse your today so that you don’t have to reduce tomorrow.



How We Can Save the Earth Slogan?

  1. Love the Earth and be happy.
  2. Save Earth, save a life, save us all.
  3. Our climate is changing; why aren’t we?
  4. Raise your voice against every act of harming the Earth.
  5. There is no place to live other than Earth; save the Earth!



What are some good Earth Day Slogans?

  1. Earth Day Every day
  2. Don’t throw your future away.
  3. Dare to be a Force of Nature.
  4. A Good Planet Is Hard to Find.
  5. Clean Earth is happy earth!
  6. Earth Day Is the World’s Birthday!
  7. Think green, keep it clean
  8. Clean up the Earth, it’s the only home we have.



How can we save the Earth 10 lines?

  1. Switch to LEDs
  2. Conserve Water
  3. Give Up Plastics
  4. Plant a Tree (or Two)
  5. Give Composting a Try.
  6. Live Energy Wise
  7. Walk, Bike, or Take Public Transit
  8. Eat Sustainable Foods
  9. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
  10. Be Car-conscious. If you can, stay off the road two days a week or more


If you want to do something to save the earth, here are a few simple and short steps from where you can start on an individual level.

1) I Cannot stress this enough Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle .. Recycle at all costs.

2) Educate yourself on how you can save the environment and what are the practices that are causing pollution.

3) Volunteer in your community for cleanups. Do a campaign that can inspire others to take care of the cleanliness of their surroundings.

4) Use water carefully; conserve water for future generations.

5) Shop wisely, do not be responsible for sweatshops or fast fashion that is just adding to pollution and oppression.

6) Choose sustainable products and a sustainable lifestyle.

7) Plant trees as much as you can on your own.

8) Take responsibility and share this with others; with time, we will build a responsible community, nation, and earthlings. We hope while we still have time, we do this… before it’s too late.



Further Reading

Best Save Animals Slogans & Sayings

Great Save Tiger Slogans & Sayings

Amazing Global Warming Slogans & Sayings

Great Save Electricity Slogans & Sayings

Best Save Tree Slogans and Sayings With Posters

Top Save Nature Slogans & Sayings

Creative Wildlife Slogans & Sayings

Catchy Save Forest Slogans

Catchy Save Money Slogans & Sayings

Best Save Water Slogans to Spread the Message of Water Conservation

My passion for writing comes more from reading and writing as a hobby. I am that person who loves to spend time buried in books and research. Enjoy every piece of content you see here as i am here to entertain you with creative words.

