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Business Slogans

How to Write a Slogan for Your School



Writing a slogan for your school can be a mentally demanding task. You will need to tap into your creativity to come up with a slogan that is not only suitable for your school but memorable as well.

Some of the greatest academic institutions in the world are known for their scholarly achievements as well as their slogans.

Before coming up with a powerful slogan for your school, there are some considerations that you need to take to get the best results. Here are some steps that you should follow when drafting a slogan for your school.


Consider the Schools Values - Slogan for your school


1. Consider the School’s Values

A school slogan should be in line with the values that the school holds dear. The slogan will, after all, be a reflection of the school. You will, therefore, need to ask yourself what the school stands for and what image you want the public to have of the school.

Knowing the values the school stands for can come from talking to the founders of the school or talking to the alumni of the school. Once you have a clear grasp of what the school was founded for, make this the foundation of your slogan.


Review Other Schools Slogans - Slogan for your school


2. Review Other Schools’ Slogans

It is also important to look at other schools’ slogans while coming up with one for your school. The other slogans will give you an idea of what a good school slogan is.

Make a list of the slogans that you like in one column and the ones that do not impress you in second column. Ask yourself what you liked about the ones in the first column. Let these guide you towards your slogan. Then ask yourself what you did not like about the ones that are in the second column. Make sure you avoid having those elements in your slogan.


Brainstorm - How to Chose Slogan for your school


3. Brainstorm

Coming up with a school slogan on your own can be difficult. Most great slogans are the result of days or even weeks of brainstorming.

Sit down with different people and discuss the issue over and over. Sit down with a diverse group of people, at once or separately, and talk about your need for a school slogan.

Write down the interesting ideas that they come up with and see if you can use them to draft a great slogan.


Think Outside the Box - Slogan for School


4. Think Outside the Box

Many school slogans are plain and common. It is not unusual to find certain words featuring in several school slogans. Some of the most common words include ‘strive‘ and ‘excellence‘.

In the process of coming up with a slogan for your school, endeavor to be unique by avoiding common words that are used by other rival schools lest people brush off your institution as a ‘copycat’.

One of the best ways to think outside the box is by focusing on what makes you different. It is your differences that set you apart from everybody else. It is these differences that you want to shout out to the public to make them want to be associated with you.

Try and make your slogan incorporate these differences.


Make it Memorable - Slogan for your school


5. Make it Memorable

Nobody wants a dull slogan that they forget right after reading. Of all the elements of a good slogan, its memorability should be top of the list. Be poetic with the slogan. Use rhyme where you can. Make it brief, powerful and creative.

Let it be an attractive slogan that makes students want to join your school and parents want to take their children to the school.


Be Honest - Slogan for school


6. Be Honest

This is a simple yet powerful tip in coming up with a great slogan for your school. Ensure that what the slogan says about the school is actually true.

In order to be creative and come up with a memorable slogan, it is easy to be swayed towards dishonesty in an effort to impress. This could have disastrous consequences.

In this age of social media, your dishonest slogan could be used against your institution in a social media campaign. This usually happens almost as soon as someone finds out something about the school that is against the slogan.



If you find that all slogans you come up with do not meet your satisfaction, you can get in touch with us to help you out. We have years of experience in creating catchy and memorable slogans for different organizations. While this may cost you a little money, it is a worthy investment considering that the slogan will be one of the defining elements of the school for the length of its existence.


Further Reading

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