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250 Creative Slogans on Pollution & Catchy Stop Pollution Posters



It is crucial to stop pollution to save the planet we live on; If we let things stay like this very soon we will lose a life on this planet of Earth. Don’t you guys realize it? How you are all polluting your surroundings and making them so miserable from one another, I also know that many of my readers are concerned about this topic and are willing to start a movement against this by using catchy pollution slogans and slogans that will shake people off. So, I have made your job easier by providing you with a handful of slogans on pollution; these include:


Catchy Slogans on Pollution

  • Polluter is our common enemy
  • Use your brain, don’t clog that drain!
  • Pollution is not the answer!
  • Clean Your Polluting Machine
  • Be Cute. Don’t Pollute
  • Help stop pollution
  • Oh shoot, don’t pollute
  • For pollution or against?
  • Pollution is lethal
  • Don`t Dump it, Donate it
  • Don’t let our future go up in smoke
  • Give a big hoot to those who pollute
  • Be a surveyor for the Ozone layer.
  • Hey polluter! Won’t you change yourself?
  • Pollution: If you don’t kill it, it’ll kill you


Slogans on Pollution. Join the Green Revolution and stop pollution!



List of Top 10 Pollution Slogans

  1. Go green breathe clean
  2. I dare you to care for this earth!
  3. Pollution, pollution, get a solution
  4. The Earth: love it or leave it.
  5. Be green! Keep our planet clean!
  6. Save the Earth, save yourself
  7. The only solution is less pollution
  8. Pollution is for Polluters.
  9. Save Your Breath.
  10. Keep calm & stop pollution


Slogans on Pollution. Reduce air pollution & increase your life span



Slogans on Stop Pollution

The following are some slogans to stop pollution, make sure that you spread these as much as possible, even if half of our population realizes it and tries to bring a positive change, then most of our work is done here. The slogans on stop Pollution include:


  • Don’t Be Mean- Keep It Clean
  • Grow grass and trees
  • Clear Skies, Clear Minds
  • Be the solution to running off the pollution
  • Whoever pollutes is our common enemy
  • Pollution is a ladder to the destruction of nature
  • Pollution: it gets me all coughed up
  • Don’t mess with Texas
  • Stop. Think. Recycle.
  • Together, we can save our planet.
  • Recycle!
  • The more pollution in the sky, the more nature dies.
  • Polluter is the enemy of nature
  • Don’t let the future blow, don’t pollute the H2O.
  • Polluting is a criminal offense
  • Take a deep breath, don’t choke.
  • All types of pollution are equally harmful
  • Keep your kids away from polluters
  • Solution of pollution lies in dilution
  • Stand up against the pollution
  • My Summer Vacation Homework. “Save our City”



Slogans on Pollution. Stop pollution gain more fresh air



Slogans on Prevention of Environmental Pollution

Stopping pollution is necessary for our survival and also for the survival of our planet. Pollution is contaminating our environment with unwanted substances that are hurting us in many ways. There are many causes of pollution like the burning of fossil fuels, agriculture activities, mining operations, industrial waste, etc. Bad effects of the pollution include heart and respiratory problems, global warming, acid rain, and much more.

  • Pollution, Pollution, Tree is the Solution.
  • Love to breathe, save the trees.
  • Kill pollution or it will kill you.
  • Save the Earth, save yourselves.
  • Be smart, don’t fart
  • Unite against all polluters
  • Not up in smoke up with hope
  • Bring Earth back to life.
  • Give a hoot. Don’t pollute!
  • Wipe out pollution before it wipes you out.
  • Think green. Be green. Stop polluting.
  • We have got only one Earth. Save and protect it.
  • Conserve what our children deserve.
  • You are the key to a cleaner and pollution-free air.
  • Join the Green Revolution and stop the revolution.
  • Be a part of the solution, not part of the pollution.
  • Keep the oceans blue, the planet green, and the animals safe.


Read more: Slogans on Environment



Slogans on Pollution. Pollution - The Silent Killer



Slogans on Environmental Pollution

The purpose of catchy slogans is to force the audience to give the problem being discussed a thought. I have come up with some catchy slogans that will undoubtedly make you grasp the idea of what I’m trying to convey and will also urge you to come up with a solution. Let’s encourage one another by not giving long boring speeches but with catchy and easy slogans on pollution.

The catchy slogans on pollution are:

  • Be a part of the solution but not pollution
  •  Be fantastic! Recycle your plastic!
  •  Love your wife & don’t pollute the nature
  •  Wake up and smell the smog.
  • Be ACTIVE about radioactive emissions!
  • We have a right to air we can breathe without fear
  • Plastic may be Fantastic but Green is Clean
  • Save the oak, don’t choke on smoke
  • Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
  • Clear skies, clear conscience!
  • Shield the earth and shield yourself from air pollution
  • Smoke from cars is like cigarettes to the Earth
  • No pollution is the only solution
  • Love your wife & don’t pollute the nature
  • Pollution – The Silent Killer
  • Be a part of the solution not part of the pollution



Slogans on Pollution. Pollution free is the way to be



Avoid Pollution Slogans

Awareness campaigns need to be run all around the world to aware people of the effects of pollution on our health and also on the environment. Slogans on pollution are the best tool to utilize to spread this message more effectively as they catch people’s attention and stick to their minds for a long period of time. Previously, we shared slogans on the environment and go green slogans to tell people to take care of our environment and play their role to make it even greener.

  • You can’t feel the pollution unless you hate it
  • Stop pollution by mitigation
  • Eradicate pollution. Save the environment
  • Polluting is a cognizable offense by law
  • Stop polluting and start living.
  • Save it, Switch it off.
  • Prevent pollution. Protect nature.
  • Stow it, don’t throw it.
  • Make “No Pollution” your new year’s resolution
  • Plant trees to make our environment pollution-free.
  • No pollution is the only solution
  • Say no to pollution and live a healthy life
  • Stop pollution, be quick; Don’t make the earth sick



Pollution Phrases

  • We don’t inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children
  • The value of life will suffer a dilution If you do not fight air pollution
  • Pollution is nothing but resources we’re not harvesting
  • Generations to come will pay the price, Stop Polluting.
  • Find a solution else our future will become an ILLUSION
  • A clean Earth needs everyone’s help- And especially yours!
  • Air Pollution is not a joke, Air Pollution will make you choke.
  • Join the Green Revolution and stop pollution!
  • Shield the earth and shield yourself from pollution
  • Stop factories and industries, gain more rain
  • Polluters should not be respected by communities
  • The more pollution in the sky, the more nature dies


This needs to be stopped keeping in view the bad effects of pollution on human and animal lives. Every one of us has to play our role to minimize the causes of pollution and also we need to teach the public to refrain from pollution-causing activities. Governments also need to take action against industries that are not dumping their waste.

Now, what are you waiting for? Go and spread the word through the slogans mentioned above. Let’s not take any longer. We cannot afford to harm the animals and plants on the planet, and slogans are the best tool to convey this word of advice. I hope this information was useful to you and helped you in preventing it to quite some extent.


Slogans On Water Pollution

Change your water, change your life

Clean water starts with you

Water Pollution is not just harmful. It’s deadly.

Pure water = better life. Don’t ruin it

Say no to water pollution and lead a healthy life

Take care of Me, I promise I will never be dry

Think outside the sink

Read more: slogans on water pollution


Slogans On Air Pollution

Air Pollution is not a joke. Air Pollution will make you choke

If u pollute the air, then the air will pollute u!

Give Me Clean Air or Give Me Death

Smokey? REPAIR!! Care for the air.

Wake up and smell the smog

Turn off your Engine. Kids breathing here

Our Air isn’t Healthy

Read more: Slogans on Air Pollution


Slogans On Noise Pollution 

Keep the noise down or the noise will keep you down

Help stop ear pollution

Let our ears live long!

Leave our ears unbroken!

Honk if you love noise pollution

Noise affects more people than any other pollutant

Ever drive never noise

Read more: Slogans on Noise Pollution 



Frequently Asked Questions on Pollution Slogans

What is a good slogan for pollution?

Slogans for pollution motivate people to stop polluting the environment and also to raise their voices against pollution-producing activities. Use them in pollution awareness campaigns to make them more effective.
  • Pollution does not help plant evolution
  • Pollution destroys the human population
  • Reduce air pollution & increase your life span
  • Prevent pollution, protect nature
  • Those who create soot actually pollute
  • Keep under your foot the trust of those who pollute
  • Polluting means killing the environment
  • Be The Solution To Air Pollution
  • Stop pollution, plant more trees



Further Reading

My passion for writing comes more from reading and writing as a hobby. I am that person who loves to spend time buried in books and research. Enjoy every piece of content you see here as i am here to entertain you with creative words.

