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250 Best Hand Washing Slogans & Global Hand Washing Slogans



Hand washing is a crucial topic to discuss, especially during covid-19. Diseases spread through negligence and poor hygiene. To promote healthy behaviour among the masses, a massive campaign of hand Washing is running on a global level. In 2008 The handwashing day was commemorated, and millions of children around the world washed their hands. Since then, on 15th October, worldwide handwashing day is celebrated. Hand washing day slogans.

Handwashing day is commemorated to spread awareness because germs and bacteria get into contact with us through hands and from there to mouths and bodies. A simple procedure of washing hands thoroughly with soap can save millions of lives, and this fact is very evidently seen during the current pandemic. The practice is easy, you have to wash hands whenever you go to the toilet, after you come from a public place, before you eat food and whenever you do anything that contains the risk of contracting germs. Handwashing can limit the cases of diarrhoea, influenza, and many more diseases dramatically. The practice is also affordable as it only requires water and any reasonable soap.



Hand Washing Slogans

To promote handwashing among children and adults, we have collected a list of Top 10 Handwashing slogans.


  • 20%-50% is not good enough.
  • All hands to the pump.
  • Be a germ buster, wash hands.
  • Be aware, wash with care.
  • Break the germ cycle.
  • Bury the germ, wash your hands.
  • I can, You can, We can
  • Clean handed people are clean. So be clean, wash your hands.
  • Clean hands are guardians of health.
  • Clean hands deserve two thumbs up.


Clean hands make the world go round.


Clean hands prevent germs from spreading.


Clean hands, healthy heart.


Clean hands, safe hands.


Clean well so you can eat well.


Don’t be a bum, wash off the scum.


Don’t be dope, wash your hands with water and soap.


Don’t be dirty, be neat. Wash your hands before you eat.


Don’t get caught germy handed.


Don’t let germs get you down.


Don’t pass the bug, make handwashing a must.


Don’t take it personally.


Don’t be numb, wash off the scum.


Don’t be dirty, be neat. Wash your hands before you eat.


Don’t spread germs wash your hands.


Don’t wait for commands! Wash your hands!


Drown a bug, save a life.


Fight germ warfare, wipe em out, wash your hands.


Hand washing is your protection against infection.


Handwashing and caring go together.


Handwashing Good! Germs Bad!


Handwashing is an important part of your job.


Handwashing is up to us.


Health and hygiene are prosperity and health


I’m being safe for you. I wash my hands.


If you keep clean, you will look like the queen.


If you wash your hands, you are a winner.


In all the lands, wash your hands.


Infection – Don’t pass it on.


Infection control is in your hands.


It is neat to wash your hands before you eat.


It’s universal – handwashing every patient every time.


It’s only right to clean your hands day and night.


Juice is worth the squeeze.


Let your fingers do the washing.


Make it a clean scene, wash your hands with water and soap.


Make your intention prevention. Wash your hands.


No germs are allowed washing your hands.


Safety first, wash and protect.


Save Lives and Money.


Save Time.


Seeing is believing, but you can’t see germs.


Soap and water go hand in hand.


Some habits are good.


Stop – please remove germs by decontaminating your hands.


Stop disease in its tracks.


Stop spreading germs in seconds.


Stop! Handwashing is practised here.


Ten out of ten patients prefer care from clean hands.


Use the soap, don’t be dope.


War on germs, hand to hand combat.


Wash for happiness.


Wash those germs right off your hands.


Wash your hands and fingers for any germs that linger.


Washed hands are caring hands.


We’re all in this together.


We’re counting on you to clean your hands.


What are the top ten carriers of infection agents (each one of your fingers)?



Handwashing Day Slogans

Global Handwashing Day is a day to promote healthy practices worldwide. The 15th of October is a day to spread the message that we all are in this together. A disease in one part of the world affects the whole world. Handwashing has been the most crucial standard operating procedure during covid-19, and countries where these standard procedures such as handwashing were implicated and practised successfully reduced the number of cases and ultimately eradicated it. Global Handwashing Day slogans are, therefore, to help you run a campaign in your local community and in the social circle to promote hygienic habits.

Best Global Handwashing Slogans include


  • Be aware wash with care.
  • You are grand if you wash your hand.
  • Use the soap – don’t be dope.
  • Be a germ buster wash hands.
  • No germs allowed Wash your hands.
  • Washed hands are caring hands!
  • Don’t lick, germs stick.
  • Health and hygiene are wealth and fitness.
  • Clean hands, Healthy you
  • Wash, it’s your duty!


Clean hands, sound bodies


Break the cycle of germs


One hand washes the other


Don’t get caught dirty handed


Clean hands count


Give germs the RUB


Wash your hands, spread the word and stop the germs


Clean hands – healthy hands


Clean hands are caring hands


Wash your hands and fingers for any germs that linger


Saving lives, it’s in your hands


Clean hands are healing hands


Don’t be dirty, Be neat, Wash your hands before your eat


Clean hands save lives


Wash your hands so you can stop germs


Clean hands can stop germs


Do good, wash your hands


Don’t be mean keep them clean


Wash, wash, wash your hands


I’m being safe for you. I wash my hands


Wash those germs right off of your hands!


It’s only right to clean your hands day and night


Washed hands are caring hands!


Clean hands make the world go around


Your hands are lovely


Always wash your hands, pots and pans


Handwashing excellent! Germs are very Bad!


Farewell to filth, hello to health


If you wash your hands, you are wiser than the rest


keep it clean, you know what I mean


Handwashing is an important part of the hygiene routine


If you keep clean you will look like the queen!


Handwashing is up to us


Clean hands deserve claps


Washing hands makes life safe


Patients prefer care from clean hands


Cleanliness is next to godliness


Don’t wait for instructions! Wash your hands!


In all the places, wash your hands


Take a stand, wash your hands


Handwashing every patient every time


Washing hands prevents disease and puts everyone else at ease


Please remove germs be purifying your hands


Hand washing daily keeps the diseases away


Before you leave take a minute to clean


Safety primary, wash and guard


Don’t take germs with you!


Please remember to wash your hands


Stop illness in its paths


A clean hand wants no washing


Use your hands to make some bubbles to kill those troubles


Two little hands, so clean and so bright, this is my left and that is my right


Clean handed people are clean. So be clean. Wash your hands


If a child washes his hands, he could eat with kings


Fight germ warfare, wipe them out, wash your hands.


Hand washing and caring go together.


Infection control is in your palms, so wash them


Give soap a chance when washing your hands


Wash your hands, Make your intention prevention.



Hand Hygiene Slogans

Hand hygiene is central in promoting healthy behaviour among the public. The habit of hand hygiene protects not oneself, but others (loved ones), it is essential as well.  To promote hand hygiene and sensibility among the public to take care of kids and old age people around them display and discuss hand hygiene slogans.

Here is a collection of the Best Hand hygiene slogans for you to promote healthy behaviour


  • A quick test
  • For a healthier life
  • Safe Hand, Safe Life
  • Handwash every time
  • Wash like it’s a necessity
  • Make good use of water
  • Ensure your safety
  • Hands need to be sanitized
  • Infection – Don’t pass it on
  • Handwashing is not a second thought


Keep your hands and yourself clean


Spare your stomach from the germs


Health and hygiene are wealth and fitness


Seeing is having faith in, but you can’t see germs


Stop spreading germs in seconds


You are grand if you wash your hand


Make it a clean scene, practice good hygiene


Don’t spread microbes wash your hands


Avoid an aggravation, stop contamination


Stop! Handwashing is skilful here


It’s only right to clean your hands day and night


Wash your hands and fingers for any germs that linger


Be mindful, wash with consideration


Don’t be a numbskull, wash your hands with water and a cleanser


Wash those germs ideal off of your hands!


Don’t be a bum, wash off the rubbish


No germs permitted Wash your hands


Don’t be messy, be slick. Wash your hands previously you eat


Washed hands are minding hands!


Don’t pass the bug, make handwashing an unquestionable requirement


Bury the germ, wash your hands


Don’t think about it literally


Clean hands influence the world to go around


We’re depending on you to clean your hands


Wash for joy


Drown a bug, spare a real existence


Hand washing your insurance against contamination


We’re all in this together


It’s solitary appropriate to clean your hands day and night


Handwashing and minding go together


War on germs, Hand to Hand battle


Your hands are stunning


Always wash your hands, pots and dish


Farewell to foulness, hi to wellbeing


If you wash your hands, you are a champ


keep it clean, you comprehend what I mean


Handwashing is an imperative aspect of your responsibilities


If you keep clean you will resemble the ruler!


Handwashing is dependent upon us


Clean hands merit two thumbs up


Infection control is in your grasp


Give cleanser a shot when washing your hands


Make your expectation anticipation. Wash your hands


Washing hands makes life safe


Please evacuate germs by sterilizing your hands


Hand washing every day fends off the sicknesses


Clean given individuals are perfect. So be perfect. Wash your hands


If a youngster washes his hands, he could eat with rulers


Cleanliness is alongside authenticity


Don’t sit tight for directions! Wash your hands!


Washing hands averts illness and comforts every other person


Wash, it’s your obligation!


All hands to the siphon


Clean hands, sound bodies


Don’t get captured germy gave


Clean hands check


Don’t give germs a chance to get you down


I’m being ok with you. I wash my hands


Thank you for washing your hands


In every one of the terrains, wash your hands


Handwashing each patient each time


Before you leave pause for a moment to clean


Safety first, wash and ensure


Some propensities are great


Please make sure to wash your hands


Stop sickness in its tracks


A spotless hand needs no washing


Use your hands to make a few rises to execute those inconveniences


Infection control is in your grasp


Two little hands, so spotless thus splendid, this is my left and that is my privilege


Health and cleanliness are riches and wellness


Make it a spotless scene, practice great cleanliness


Don’t spread germs wash your hands


Avoid a disturbance, stop defilement


Stop! Handwashing is rehearsed here


Please utilize a cleanser to scour each hand or you’ll spread malady to all the land


Clean well so you can eat well


It’s solitary appropriate to clean your hands day and night


Give your fingers a chance to do the washing


Whether you’re a grown-up, a child or an adolescent, washing hands is simply great cleanliness


Clean hands keep germs from spreading


Wash your hands and fingers for any germs that wait


20%-50% isn’t adequate


A snappy test.


Infection – Don’t pass it on


Seeing is accepting, however, you can’t see germs


Stop spreading germs right away


Wash your hands and fingers for any germs that wait


Whether you’re an adult, a kid or a teen, washing hands is just good hygiene


Please use soap to scrub each hand or you’ll spread disease to all the land


Wash, wash, wash your hands, scrub the germs away! If you don’t, they will stay, and cling for the rest of the day.


Want to give your friends a handshake, or a deadly disease? Wash your hands to put everybody at ease.


Along with the promotion of these slogans, make sure that you practice it in your home and advice others to implicate it as well.


To follow the practice of handwashing, there are mandatory steps recommended by the World Health Organization. The steps are, wet your hands, apply soap to your hands, rub your hands, rub the back of your hands, interlink your fingers, cup your palms, clean thumbs, clean your palms by rubbing, thoroughly wash it all and pat dry. It looks longer, but it only takes a few seconds and is highly effective. Spread Handwashing slogans and these steps side by side to make a difference in the world. Stay hygienic, and stay healthy!!!



Hand-Washing Facts

hand washing facts

How to wash your hands with soap & water


Further Reading

My passion for writing comes more from reading and writing as a hobby. I am that person who loves to spend time buried in books and research. Enjoy every piece of content you see here as i am here to entertain you with creative words.

