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65 Best Proverbs About Health



In this post you will find 65 Best Proverbs About Health.


Proverbs About Health


“When the head aches, all the body is the worse.” —  English Proverb


“An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” —  English Proverb


“Joyfulness is half your health.” —  Czech Proverb


“The beginning of health is sleep.” — Irish Proverb


“Good health is the sister of beauty.” —  Maltese Proverb


“A healthy man is a successful man.” — English Proverb


“If you want to live long, be healthy and fat, drink like a dog and eat like a cat.” —  German Proverb


“Work is half of health.” —  Swedish Proverb


“Diseases come a horsebacke, and returne on foot.” —  French prover


“Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” —  English Proverb


“He who has no health has nothing.” —  French Proverb


“Good health and good sense are two great blessings.” —   Latin Proverb


“Your health comes first — you can always hang yourself later.” —  Hebrew Proverb


“Prevention is better than cure.” —  English Proverb


“A healthy soul cannot live in a dry body.” — French Proverb


“An imaginary ailment is worse than a disease.” —   Yiddish Proverb


“Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” —  English Proverb


“A broken hand works, but not a broken heart.” —  English Proverb


“Better a healthy donkey than a consumptive philosopher.” —  Romanian Proverb


“Just because you’re not sick doesn’t mean you’re healthy.”  — Traditional Prover


“The tiredness of the body is the health of the soul.” —   French Proverb


“A good husband is healthy and absent.” — English Proverb


“A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor’s book.” —  Irish Proverb


“He who takes medicine and neglects to diet wastes the skill of his doctors.” — Chinese Prover


“Health is better than wealth.” —  Traditional Proverb


“Eat well, drink in moderation, and sleep sound, in this three-good health abound.” —  English Proverb


“The rich have medicines the poor have health.” —   German Proverb


“The beginning of health is to know the disease.” —  Spanish Proverb


“Cowardly men, healthy bones.”  — Creole Proverb


“He who has health, has hope; and he who has hope, has everything.” —  English Proverb


“As the person who has health is young, so the person who owes nothing is rich.” —  Traditional Proverb


“If you would live healthy, be old early.” —   Spanish Prover


“We are usually the best men when in the worst health.” —   English Proverb


“Hygiene is two thirds of health.” —  English Proverb


“Sometimes the body becomes healthy by being very sick.” — Iranian Proverb


“Fresh air impoverishes the doctor.” —  Danish Proverb


“He who enjoys good health is rich, though he knows it not.” —  Italian Proverb


“Your health comes first; you can always hang yourself later.” —  English Proverb


“A good wife and health are a man’s best wealth.” —  Traditional Proverb


“He who has health has hope; and he who has hope has everything.” —  Arabic Proverb


“Health comes before making a livelihood.” —  Yiddish Proverbs


“Three diseases without shame: Love, itch and thirst.” —  English Proverb


“Limit your desires and you will improve your health.”  — Spanish Proverb


“The healthy die first.” —   Italian Proverb


“No time for your health today, will result in no health for your time tomorrow.” —  Irish Proverb


“Diseases of the soul are more dangerous than those of the body.” —  English Proverb


“Hygiene is two-thirds health.” —  Lebanese proverb


“When the heart is at ease, the body is healthy.” —   Chinese Proverb


“When the heart is at ease, the body is healthy” —  Chinese proverb


“Health is better than wealth.” — English Proverb


“From the bitterness of disease man learns the sweetness of health.” — Catalan Proverbs


“Laughter is the best medicine.” — English Proverb


“One day in perfect health is a lot.” —  Arabian Proverb


“A man too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools.” — English Proverb


“One who eats plain food is healthy.” —   Japanese Proverb


Further Reading

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