Quotes & Sayings
350 Inspirational Pneumonia Quotes and Pneumonia Day Quotes
Pneumonia is caused by various infections and viruses that affect the stability of the lungs. A severe disease that causes lung infection to people. The ratio of this disease is more than 2.5 million in the world and it is growing rapidly. To stop its growth, doctors and scientists suggest people should take mandatory action. WHO and different organizations organize campaigns on pneumonia and diarrhea to highlight its symptoms and causes to people. These Pneumonia Quotes can be used to make the public aware of medical topics.
So publish these Pneumonia Quotes, sayings, and slogans on posters or use them on social media to maintain a healthy environment to prevent lung cancer, and blood poisoning among people. By allowing people to make fewer doctor appointments by taking precautions and a healthy diet.
What is a Pneumonia Quote?
Pneumonia quotes emphasize the causes, symptoms, risks, and threats that can cause pneumonia. Hospitals, institutions, and different organizations can educate people about pneumonia attacks by sharing versatile, catchy slogans to grab people’s attention. This slogan will create a meaningful impact on people by allowing them to maintain a healthy attitude. Adoption of a healthy diet, exercise, and usage of the right ingredients in meals secure people’s future. It influences people by reducing lung infections, bacteria attacks, viral infections, and asthma.
World Pneumonia Day Theme
World Pneumonia Day comes on 12 November every year. It highlights the seriousness of the risks, consequences, and results of pneumonia to the world. The World Pneumonia Day theme is “Fight pneumonia, keep your lungs strong.” It promotes a healthy environment that keeps the lungs safe from polluted air and irregular diet. Strong lungs will make your immune system stronger than before. Exposure to a bad environment can increase the chance of diseases in society. So prevent pneumonia by raising your voice against unhealthy activities such as selling cigarettes, vaping, etc.
Inspirational Pneumonia Quotes
These Inspirational pneumonia quotes are printed in doctors’ rooms to encourage people to take proper precautions to protect themselves from diseases. A silent message that speaks loudly by enabling the crowd to breathe easily.
So, maintain a healthy community by reducing the upcoming diseases.
“Inhale the future, exhale the past.” – Unknown
“Breathing is the greatest pleasure in life.” – Giovanni Papini
“The wisest one-word sentence? Breathe.” – Terri Guillemets
“The trick to life is to just keep breathing.” – John Landry
“Only those who know how to breathe will survive.” – Pundit Acharya
“Breathe in deeply to bring your mind home to your body.” – Thich Nhat Hanh
“Learn how to exhale, the inhale will take care of itself.” – Carla Melucci Ardito
“The flu can definitely set you up for bacterial pneumonia.” – Paul A. Offit
“The best thing when you get pneumonia is rest — that’s it, just rest.” – JaVale McGee
“Just by taking small precautions against pneumonia, we can save many lives.” – Sambad English Bureau
“Nobody would ever convince me that cigarettes caused the bronchitis and pneumonia.” – Barbara Warren
World Pneumonia Day Quotes
World Pneumonia Day Quotes highlight the consciousness of pneumonia to people. It generates total pneumonia cases per year to showcase annual results to people. This report allows people to take action according to it.
So keep the world free from diseases by defeating different diseases.
“I’m an insomniac, my mind works the night shift.”
“I nearly died of double bronchial pneumonia at the age of five.”
“Conscious breathing heightens awareness and deepens relaxation.”
“Never forget that it is not a pneumonia, but pneumonic man who is your patient.”
“Pneumonia may knock you down, but it can never defeat the human spirit.” – Unknown
“If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance.” – Andrea Boydston
“Pneumonia is a serious disease, but the body can fight it off if given a chance.” – Andrew Weil
“In the face of pneumonia, let us remember that hope and determination can conquer all.” – Unknown
“Pneumonia is a battle, but with the right care and support, the body can emerge victorious.” – Unknown
“Pneumonia is a reminder that health is the most valuable thing we have. Take care of it always.” – Unknown
Catchy Pneumonia Slogans
These pneumonia slogans can be used on different social media accounts to broadcast its impact on society. Short catchy slogans about pneumonia will work like a doctor to treat different diseases with useful information.
Become an influencer and reach people at zero cost by sharing pneumonia quotes online or offline.
- Breathe easy.
- For breath is life
- Inhale, then exhale
- Breathing, according to me
- Your breath is your anchor.
- Develop pneumonia, feel bad.
- Overcome pneumonia, feel glad.
- That’s how you’ll get through it.
- The ability to breathe is a gift.
- Vaccines are available to protect
- if you breathe well you will live long
- Pneumonia may be a formidable opponent
- Conscious breathing heightens awareness
- never defeat the human will to survive.
- Wake up grateful each day for that gift.
- Breath is the link between mind and body.
- weakened immune systems are at a higher risk
- He lives most life whoever breathes most air.
- Whenever I feel blue, I start breathing again.
- Just breathing can be such a luxury at times.
- corresponds to taking charge of one’s own life
- Smile, breathe, take it slow, and live a happy life.
- An evil person is as useless as the ‘p’ in pneumonia.
Funny Pneumonia Quotes
Funny pneumonia quotes are attractive to grasp people’s attention to share important messages with them. Convenience people to take proper vaccinations, and precautions to save themselves from any complicated disease.
Use these funny pneumonia quotes in blogs and articles to add clarity to the content.
“I nearly died of double bronchial pneumonia at the age of five.”
“Never forget that it is not pneumonia, but a pneumonic man who is your patient.”
‘Nobody would ever convince me that the bronchitis and pneumonia were caused by cigarettes.”
“Of course WE never had to do nude scenes. I’m glad, too, because I’m susceptible to pneumonia.”
“Lungs, they do not like to be messed with. I give pneumonia one star and that’s for the silent p.”
“Take the necessary precautions and vaccinations to protect yourself and your family from Pneumonia”
“I quit school in the sixth grade because of pneumonia. Not because I had it, but because I couldn’t spell it.”
“Only after realising that routine immunisations were dangerous did I achieve a substantial drop in infant death rates.”
“On this World Pneumonia Day, protect your lungs from the fatal disease called pneumonia and take the necessary precautions”
“Write to please just one person. If you open a window and make love to the world, so to speak, your story will get pneumonia.”
“Contribute and make efforts to raise awareness of life-threatening disease pneumonia to protect children and reduce the child mortality rate”
“You won’t realise the importance of air you breathe unless you struggle to breathe due to pneumonia. Raise awareness this world pneumonia day”
Catchy Pneumonia Sayings
Catchy Pneumonia sayings work like a doctor’s advice to patients that are filled with multiple guidelines one can use to keep their immune system strong and healthy. Smartly shares the threats, solutions and symptoms with people.
“So educate the locals with pneumonia saying to safeguard people lives.”
“We are too strong to give up our hope from our struggle against pneumonia.”
“Let us no take pneumonia lightly. Let us work to protect ourselves from this disease.”
“Together we can conquer pneumonia and that is what World Pneumonia Day reminds us all.”
“World is going to be much better with no pneumonia. Warm wishes on World Pneumonia Day.”
“If pneumonia is there then there is also a solution to treat it. Happy World Pneumonia Day.”
“World Pneumonia Day reminds each one of us about the threats of this disease and the protection we need.”
“Just by taking small precautions against pneumonia, we can save many lives. Warm wishes on World Pneumonia Day.”
“Let us celebrate the occasion of World Pneumonia Day by staying safe and staying healthy. Warm wishes to everyone on this day.”
“We all can contribute towards saving lives from pneumonia, all we need to do is take care of our lungs. A very Happy World Pneumonia Day.”
Pneumonia Awareness Slogans
Pneumonia awareness slogans will beat these diseases to keep the globe healthy and a safe place to live. The increase or growth of diseases causes deaths and sewer illness in people. Teachers can guide teenage students to prevent pneumonia by increasing the strength of their immune systems.
So create pneumonia awareness slogans to kill past diseases.
- Inflammation is no joke, prevent pneumonia.
- Keep germs at bay, prevent pneumonia today.
- Pneumonia may be tough, but you’re tougher!
- Early detection is key to beating pneumonia!
- Protect your lungs, guard against pneumonia!
- Kiss pneumonia goodbye with early detection.
- Keep pneumonia from taking your breath away!
- A cough can be serious- say bye to pneumonia!
- Take charge of your lungs, prevent pneumonia.
- Don’t let pneumonia rain down on your parade!
- Be smart, take precautions against pneumonia.
- One cough can lead to pneumonia – stay aware!
- Avoid catching pneumonia with healthy habits.
- A cough is just a cough, until it’s pneumonia!
- Let’s seal away pneumonia for a better future!
- Pneumonia doesn’t have to be a death sentence!
- Taking deep breaths with pneumonia isn’t easy.
- Misery loves company – don’t let pneumonia in!
- Make pneumonia regret ever crossing your lungs!
- Don’t gamble with your life – prevent pneumonia.
- Pneumonia does not discriminate, get vaccinated!
- Keep the air fresh, breathing free of pneumonia!
- Keeping pneumonia away is a breath of fresh air!
- Seek treatment, win the battle against pneumonia!
- Keep pneumonia from knocking the wind out of you!
- Don’t give pneumonia a chance, protect your lungs!
- Feeling short of breath? Get checked for pneumonia!
- A healthy diet and exercise can keep pneumonia away.
- Good lungs set you free, pneumonia clips your wings.
- Make sure it’s a light brown disease, not pneumonia!
- Pneumonia doesn’t have to take control of your life!
- Pneumonia is not so simple, it’s a serious infection.
- Coughs can be harmless, but not all coughs are alike.
- Avoiding pneumonia can be a breath-taking experience!
- Pneumonia can knock you down, but you can get up again!
- A little prevention can go a long way against pneumonia.
- Protect your lungs, don’t let pneumonia through the door!
- Don’t let pneumonia bring you down, rise to the challenge!
- You can’t function with pneumonia, so don’t ignore the signs.
- Don’t wait for coughing to get rough, get checked for pneumonia!
Pneumonia Phrases
Pneumonia phrases are catchy phrases that highlight the pros and cons of pneumonia. These slogans are unforgettable by paying attention target audience. Avoid the threats of upcoming viruses and diseases like COVID-19.
So bold these pneumonia phrases in capital letters to gain people attention
“A cold wind swept across the patio, causing me to shiver. What an odd combination of romantic gesture and horribly crude wording.”
“The drink? Yes, I’ve had tough times in my life, especially the last year, regarding my ex-wife, my kids, I nearly broke my neck, I was on death row with pneumonia.”
“A naturopath once told me you should never take antibiotics except if you have pneumonia, a kidney infection or some other serious illness. That’s my philosophy, too.”
“I never argue with the tape. To be angry at the market because it unexpectedly or even illogically goes against you is like getting mad at your lungs because you have pneumonia.”
“Now, Bad Ass, you run your mouth about Summerslam. Well, here’s the situation. If he misses, the wind behind the punch will give you pneumonia and you’ll die anyway, so the choice is yours.”
Being Sick With Pneumonia Quotes
“Breathe; it’s just a bad day, not a bad life.” – Unknown
“Let us stand strong and fight against pneumonia.” – Unknown
“Pause, breathe. Repair the universe, then proceed.” – Unknown
“Take the necessary precautions and vaccinations to protect yourself and your family from Pneumonia.” – Unknown
“You won’t realize the importance of the air you breathe unless you struggle to breathe due to pneumonia.” – Unknown
“Lungs, they do not like to be messed with. I give pneumonia one star, and that’s for the silent ‘p.’” – Justine Larbalestier
“The biggest killers of children around the world are two things: diarrhea and pneumonia. When you think about it, in the United States, kids don’t die of diarrhea anymore, but it’s a huge problem in the developing world.”
“I had a series of childhood illnesses… scarlet fever…. pneumonia…. Polio. I walked with braces until I was at least nine years old. My life wasn’t like the average person who grew up and decided to enter the world of sports.”
Die Of Pneumonia Quote
- Say adieu to pneumonia!
- Beat pneumonia before it beats you!
- Ignoring coughs leads to pneumonia.
- Lungs need love, prevent pneumonia.
- Check your lungs, thwart pneumonia.
- Light up your life; fight pneumonia!
- Defend your lungs against pneumonia.
- Swallow courage, spit out pneumonia!
- Don’t let pneumonia win, fight back!
- Time to get serious about pneumonia!
- Always be vigilant against pneumonia!
- Take your breath back from pneumonia.
- Pneumonia prevention starts with you!
- Clear your airway, prevent pneumonia.
- Breathe easy with pneumonia awareness.
- Love your lungs, concede to pneumonia.
- Don’t let pneumonia darken your skies.
- Clear lungs, clear mind, no pneumonia!
- Catch pneumonia before it catches you!
- Pneumonia is a risk, we have the cure!
- Relieve yourself from pneumonia misery.
- Steer clear of pneumonia, stay healthy!
- Pneumonia is never too young to infect!
- Pneumonia can’t win when we fight back.
- Breathe easy with pneumonia prevention.
- Better air, better lungs, no pneumonia!
- Say goodbye to pneumonia with vaccines.
- You don’t have to suffer from pneumonia!
- Don’t let pneumonia interrupt your life.
- Fight pneumonia, keep your lungs strong.
- Good air quality keeps pneumonia at bay.
- Fighting pneumonia, one breath at a time!
- Prevent pneumonia from ruining vacations!
- Let’s make pneumonia a thing of the past.
- Say no to pneumonia, say yes to vaccines!
- Breathing easy with pneumonia prevention.
- Pneumonia is no match for early detection.
- Stay active by keeping pneumonia inactive.
- Be vigilant – pneumonia can strike anyone!
- Don’t let pneumonia take your breath away!
Funny Quotes About Having Pneumonia
“Brazil is in a solid position. In the past, if the United States sneezed, we caught pneumonia. Today, if the United States sneezes, we sneeze too.”
“On December 17, 1984, I had surgery to remove two inches of my left lung due to pneumonia. After two hours of surgery the doctors told my mother I had AIDS.”
“World pneumonia day is to highlight the importance and aim at making the lives better but you can make an effort to prevent the disease and deaths every day”
“I don’t know who had the bright idea of teaching pneumonia how to walk, but I’d like to find that dunderhead before he decides he wants to teach it how to drive.”
“The drink? Yes, I’ve had tough times in my life, especially the last year, regarding my ex-wife, my kids, I nearly broke my neck, I was on death row with pneumonia.”
“If we do not allow for a rhythm of rest in our overly busy lives, illness becomes our Sabbath— our pneumonia, our cancer, our heart attack, our accidents create Sabbath for us.”
“In the Mortality Bills, pneumonia is an easy second, to tuberculosis; indeed in many cities the death-rate is now higher and it has become, to use the phrase of Bunyan ‘the captain of the men of death.”
“Emergency rooms are closed, many hospital wards are as well leaving people who are sick with heart disease, trauma, pregnancy complications, pneumonia, malaria and all the everyday health emergencies with nowhere to go.”
Holden Caulfield Pneumonia Quote
“We all can contribute towards saving lives from pneumonia; all we need to do is take care of our lungs.” – India Today
“Pneumonia is not a death sentence; it is a disease that can be treated and overcome with proper care.” – Dr. Anthony Fauci
“Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure.” – Oprah Winfrey
“I quit school in the sixth grade because of pneumonia. Not because I had it but because I couldn’t spell it.” – Rocky Graziano
“Warm wishes on World Pneumonia Day to all. Let us join our hands against the fight against this disease which takes many lives every year.”
“Just by being a little more vigilant and aware of pneumonia, we can save many people from catching this disease. Happy World Pneumonia Day.”
“Don’t forget to take the vaccination and keep your health safe from the threats of pneumonia. Wishing a very Happy World Pneumonia Day to you.”
“By creating more awareness about pneumonia, we can save many lives and bring smiles to many more faces. Wishing a very Happy World Pneumonia Day.”
“World Pneumonia Day is a reminder to each one of us that we not neglect our lungs for a happier and healthier life. Warm wishes on this day to you.”
“On the occasion of World Pneumonia Day, just wanted to remind you to keep your lungs healthy and safe from infection. A very Happy World Pneumonia Day to you.”
Pneumonia Quotes By Doctors
“I had asthma when I was a kid, asthma so bad that it would turn into pneumonia and I almost died several times. Nobody knew why back then, but now it’s obvious.” – Don McLean
“Breathe deeply, until sweet air extinguishes the burn of fear in your lungs and every breath is a beautiful refusal to become anything less than infinite.” – D. Antoinette Foy
“When a man lacks mental balance in pneumonia he is said to be delirious. When he lacks mental balance without the pneumonia, he is pronounced insane by all smart doctors.” – Martin H. Fischer
“The basic symptoms which occur in pneumonia and which are never lacking are acute fever, sticking pain in the side, short rapid breaths, serrated pulse, and cough, mostly with sputum.” – Robert Taylor
“All countries should immediately now activate their pandemic preparedness plans. Countries should remain on high alert for unusual outbreaks of influenza-like illness and severe pneumonia.” – Margaret Chan
“The biggest killers of children around the world are two things: diarrhea and pneumonia. When you think about it, in the United States, kids don’t die of diarrhea anymore, but it’s a huge problem in the developing world.” – Melinda Gates
“By preventing pneumonia and other diseases, we are giving men, women and children the chance to live healthy productive lives and participate in the global economy. In doing so, we are not only enhancing their futures – we are enhancing our own.” – Mandy Moore
“When the breath is unsteady, all is unsteady; when the breath is still; all is still. Control the breath carefully. Inhalation gives strength and a controlled body; retention gives steadiness of mind and longevity; exhalation purifies body and spirit.” – Goraksasatakam
Pneumonia Quotes Sayings
“I think I’m a survivor, I could have suffered at least 100 professional deaths. I could come up with a list of the 100 times I’ve come closest to death, from having pneumonia as a child to car crashes.”
“I’m old enough to remember when the polio vaccine was still new. Also, it hadn’t been that long since most people who caught pneumonia died from it. These medical breakthroughs were practically miracles.”
“I got Type 1 diabetes at 30. It hit me in 1982 when I was a White House Fellow in Washington. I had viral pneumonia. I lost 35 pounds in six weeks. And I couldn’t see anything. Everything was blurry. I was always thirsty.”
“I’m a Buddhist. You might have a Christian obligation to catch pneumonia while you sit for two and a half hours listening to some twerp in a dress drone on about the virtue of wedded life but, dear as you are to me, I don’t.”
“I will say that there is an inordinate amount of medicine in my novels, especially the first one. There are a lot of medical things that happen. A hip fracture, three different kinds of lung cancer, pneumonia, blood poisoning, and so on.”
“As a kid, I was always sick. I had pneumonia, I had really severe allergies. And it wasn’t until I got older, that I realized some of that was caused by toxins in things like detergent. That made me crazy, because it’s supposed to help get things clean!”
“Pneumococcal disease is a real threat. Pneumococcal disease is a bacterial infection that causes anything from middle ear infection to pneumonia to meningitis. Children are particularly vulnerable to it, but adults can get pneumococcal disease themselves.”
“I think if a physician wrote on a death certificate that old age was the cause of death, he’d be thrown out of the union. There is always some final event, some failure of an organ, some last attack of pneumonia, that finishes off a life. No one dies of old age.”
“For the average person, taken to their sick bed, it takes a serious bout of pneumonia or a full body cast to completely forget the life they had prior to falling off the rollercoaster. I, however, will do this over a paper cut on my thumb, obsessing of said cut and being generally consumed by it.”
Frequently Asked Questions about Pneumonia Quotes
What is the saying about pneumonia?
I have written the best saying about pneumonia to educate the globe:
- Show pneumonia who’s boss!
- Slap pneumonia, hug health!
- Breathe well, beat pneumonia.
- Pneumonia: the silent killer.
- Lungs first, prevent pneumonia.
- Keep your lungs pneumonia-free.
- Get vaccinated, smash pneumonia!
- Don’t wait, check for pneumonia.
- Spare your lungs from pneumonia.
- Stay healthy and pneumonia-free!
What is the slogan for pneumonia awareness?
These are the top ten slogans for pneumonia awareness:
- Struggle no more with pneumonia.
- Be a fighter, overcome pneumonia.
- Don’t let pneumonia get you down!
- Say goodbye to pneumonia forever!
- Stay pneumonia-free, stay strong.
- Stay healthy, stay pneumonia free!
- Pneumonia – kill it with kindness!
- Don’t let pneumonia hold you down.
- Say no to pneumonia – stay healthy!
- Pneumonia’s no joke, stay informed.
What are some pneumonia quotes for campaigns?
- “Without full awareness of breathing, there can be no development of meditative stability and understanding.” – Thich Nhat Hanh
- “Pneumonia is not a respecter of persons. It attacks the rich and poor, young and old, weak and strong.” – Florence Nightingale
- “Pneumonia is not just a physical ailment, it also takes a toll on the mind and spirit. Stay strong and keep fighting.” – Unknown
- “The only thing more astonishing than the human body’s ability to fight off pneumonia is the human mind’s ability to endure it.” – J.R. Moehringer
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