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300 Best Military Slogans, Military Mottos & Funny Military Slogans



The most sacred of all sacrifices is the sacrifice of life. That sacrifice of life willingly is given by the military all over the world. Young fellows and ladies study hard, train vigorously, and passionately join the army. Many of the soldiers sacrifice life for the country on religious grounds and patriotism the country. Since the rank of a martyr is respected here and in the world according to religions. In the age where girls and boys dream of going out and having parties, running wild, and making memories, many prefer not to join the armed forces.

They choose discipline, training, fighting skills, and serving their country.  This sacrifice, enthusiasm, and dedication deserve all the recognition in the world. Hence, a dire need to educate the public exists about the sacrifices of the military so that it is respected and supported.  Most of us will never know what war feels like or what the fear of getting killed in combat is like. We also don’t know how it feels to kill or see our friends and colleagues getting martyred every day.

Slogans about the military are going to pay tribute to their sacrifices and educate the masses about the importance of the military’s role and ignite enthusiasm in many others to join.



US Military Slogans


We Observe All


We Lead


Light from Darkness


Service with Pride


Down to Earth


Climb to Glory


Fury from the Sky


Aim High … Fly-Fight-Win


Attack and Conquer


Follow Me


Ready for anything


Note: If you’re looking for some Powerful  Military Mottos, there’s a whole article dedicated to that: 170 Powerful US Military Mottos | Military Branch Mottos


Prepared to fight


Strength and Preparedness


Be All You Can Be


Fury from the Sky


Wings of Destiny


Who dares wins


Do not give in to evil


Without warning


Anything, Anywhere, Anytime


In Every Clime and Place


Let justice be done


Expeditionary support


Steadfast in support


Between spears and enemies


If you wish for peace, prepare for war


Where right and glory lead


No Better Friend, No Worse Enemy


Look Sharp, Be Sharp, Go Army!


Knowledge gives strength to the arm


Today’s Army Wants to Join You


I Will Not Return Unavenged


On Wings We Conquer


On Wings We Conquer


Best Military Slogans


Top 10 Military Slogans


  • Let’s hunt!
  • Duty before death
  • Always vigilant
  • Strike first
  • Straight ahead
  • Find and destroy
  • The Duty to excel
  • Faithful in adversity
  • Ambition and pride
  • It must, so it is possible



Military Slogans and Sayings

Here is a collection of Military slogans and sayings!


Do not suffer


The dead, get up


The heritage obligates


Brave, Strong, and Fast


Honor and fatherland


Amidst danger, they play


Never to be taken alive


Valor and discipline


Always together


In this sign, you will conquer


For all we have. And all we are.


I want it and I can do it


The legion is our fatherland


Not unequal to many


The will is decisive


The eye of the army


Combined strength


Devoted to excellence


Either with it or on it


Together strong


Simple principles


Give me a chance to shine


Beyond what is possible


Let’s go, let’s tackle it!


Always dominate the heights


We always reach our goals


As long as (the sun) follows its course


A silent force to be reckoned with


Ready for battle, to make peace


Protect, help, moderate, fight


Strength and pride of the west coast


Great is the country that controls the sea


Ready for action, anytime, worldwide!


The last resort of kings


Together we are strong


With determination, I will be triumphant


How high you fly depends on how brave you are


Loyalty and honor on land and sea


After the custom of our ancestors


Victory everywhere


Honour, fatherland, valor, discipline


Success and attainment


The other terror after lightning


They can do what it seems they cannot


Valor in battle is praiseworthy


Everywhere with honor and glory


And hold fast to the rope of Allah and do not be divided


Your destination is beyond everyone else’s destination


Sacrifice is a characteristic of the brave


Prosperity in peace and victory in a war


It is a glory to die doing one’s duty


Better to die than live like a coward


A follower of none but Allah, the fear of Allah, Jihad for Allah


Be it the deserts / Be it the rivers / All are under my wings


May the Lord of the oceans be auspicious unto us


If you have lost everything, remember there is still honor


They have never failed or for their own part lost


Bold and fearless, endowed with undaunted spirit and a great measure of heavenly might


Catchy Military Slogans


Military Intelligence Motto

Military intelligence is an important institution. They see it all, the information they gather is what protects and helps build proper strategies to defend and protect the country. They collected knowledge, analyze it, inform relevant authorities, and make plans accordingly.

  • Sees all, always
  • Fast, Exact, Quiet
  • The best is yours
  • As far as the world extends
  • Best-serviced, Wise and Knight
  • On the Sea We Are Glorious
  • Loyal and Wise Knights



Funny Military Slogans

The military is famous for its tough training, weird punishments, and tiring routines. In all of this, there are lots of fun and witty sides to it. The punishments, the finding ways to avoid duties, the sneaking in of food or electronic gadgets, etc.


To cheer up the article a bit more we have collated a list of Funny Military slogans!


If it ain’t broke, fix it till it is


Draft beer, not people


Friendly fire – isn’t.


Army food: the spoils of war


The easy way is always mined.


Mankind has a perfect record in aviation; we never left one up there.


Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.


When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not our friend.


If the enemy is in range, so are you.


Never tell the Platoon Sergeant you have nothing to do.


Military justice is to justice what military music is to music.


When a flight is proceeding incredibly well, something was forgotten.


Make it too tough for the enemy to get in and you can’t get out.


We are not retreating—we are advancing in another direction


Our bombs are smarter than the average high school student. At least they can find Kuwait.


The object of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his.


There are only two kinds of people that understand Marines: Marines and the enemy. Everyone else has a second-hand opinion.


Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons!


When a plane crash seems inevitable, endeavor to strike the softest, cheapest object in the vicinity as slowly and gently as possible.


Basic Flying Rules: Try to stay in the middle of the air. Do not go near the edges of it. The edges of the air can be recognized by the appearance of ground, buildings, sea, trees, and interstellar space. It is much more difficult to fly there.


We, the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have now done so much for so long with so little, we are now capable of doing anything with nothing.


Never forget that your weapon is made by the lowest bidder.


Teamwork is essential, it gives them someone else to shoot at.


Military Slogans


T-Shirts with Military Slogans


The swag of a t-shirt with a Military slogan is on another level.

Here is a list of t-shirts with military slogans for you to choose your level of swag


Life First


Swift and Deadly


Forging Ahead


First and Foremost


Poised and Deadly


Do right, fear no one


First Line of Defense


Foremost and Utmost


Generate and Sustain


Advance and Overcome


For Honour and Glory


Nothing Stands In Our Way


Persistent and Precise


Excellence Through Professionalism



Military Slogans for Each Branch

The military consists of branches, each with its separate duties. The air force protects the skies of the country, the Navy protects the seas, and the Army guards the land. Together they defend the country and preserve its sovereignty.  There are also Military Police, Special services, and Cost Guards to cover and defend the country in every possible manner.


Following Is the collection of Military Branch Slogans… Each represents their duties.


US Army Slogans


Bold and swift


Look good, do good!


Fight, overcome or die


Quality is our strength


The Man in the Tank Shall Win


Never unprepared


Honor, duty, will


Ever forward, never back


Ready aye ready


In war, charity


Where duty and glory lead


Splendor without diminishment


Strike and breakthrough


Knight and Wise Rule Upholders


The Foremost Warfare Equipment


There the Border Will Be Decided


Labour and vigilance for nature


Fear no pain, fear no challenge, fear no death


Persistent defense, Effective intimidation


We must battle when the enemy is in sight


A Folk builds An Army building a Folk


Faithful throughout the centuries


The hard we shall do today, the impossible we shall do tomorrow


Defender Who Shall Not Have Fear / Defender Who Shall Not Be Seen


Soldier’s Ability to Carry Out Their Duties without Time-Spotting


Top Military Slogans



US Air Force Slogans


Beyond Horizons


Speed Through Skill


Loyalty and justice


Free shall we keep the sky


Ever High is My Head


Determined and Strong


Wings of The Motherland


Always in the Skies


Above All Else, Serving the People


Embarrassed for Doing the Defects


Loyal in Battles and Developments


Does not retreat even if broken


Without air defense, there is no national defense


Make a Great Power for Serving the Nation


My Life and soul is for the sake of Humanity


US Navy Slogans


Guardian at Sea


Ready for Sea


Steadfast until The End


Forged by the Sea


We stand on guard for thee


Once a marine, always a marine


In War and Peace Invincible at Sea


On the Sea We Are Glorious


Better to die than to be a coward


The decisive battle outside of the national boundary


The mountain bows, the ocean gives way


The Great Soldier, Guardian of The Sky



United Kingdom Military Slogans

For king and Country


From the teeth a Sword


Under the white cross


By sea, By land


Through adversity to the stars


who shall separate us?



Australia Military Slogans

Serving Australia With Pride


Find and destroy




Guide and deliver




Silent service


Pass not unseen


Evil be to him who evil thinks


Defend from above



France Military Slogans

Duty first


Watch and ward


Strike swiftly


Expeditionary support


Steadfast in support


Nothing prevents


To be and to last



Germany Military Slogans

We. Serve. Germany.


Always the same


We move everything


Learn to suffer without complaining!



Greece Military Slogans


Freedom stems from valor


Solve the knot with the sword


Come and get them



Sweden Military Slogans


Together with strong




Vigilant everywhere


Strength and pride of the west coast



Indian Military Slogans


The conqueror


Victory to Mother India


Prosperity in peace and victory in the war


By land and sea


Touch the sky with glory


Fight with Determination


Valor triumphs


Unique valor


Work is worship


Win over the enemy in the sky


Ever powerful


Freedom from sickness to all


The brave shall inherit the earth


Strength through weapons


Swift and secure


We protect


First, always first


Unity and valor



Canada Military Slogans


Strong alone, Stronger together




Strength and courage


United in purpose


For hearth and home



China Military Slogans


We must battle when the enemy is in sight


Fraternity, Devotion, Sincerity


The decisive battle outside of the national boundary


Without air defense, there is no national defense


Loyal military police



Indonesia Military Slogans


Loyal and vigilant


Flying Soldiers


Knight and Wise Rule Upholders


My Life and soul is for the sake of Humanity


To Protect and To Serve


Brave, Right, Successful


The Foremost Warfare Equipment


No Difficulties Cannot Conquer



Israel Military Slogans


Without Support, the Infantry Won’t Move


When the waves grow stronger, the strong men are revealed


He who saves one soul, it is as if he saves a whole world


Artillery is the Queen of Battle


The Human Advantage


We shall Innovate, Lead, Set an Example – and Win



Italy Military Slogans


Fortitude overcomes all difficulties


Under the law, freedom


With valor to the stars


To ensure hope is our role


The safeguard of the republic shall be the supreme law


We tame the flames, we give our hearts


Our life for the fatherland


Courage becomes stronger in danger


Strength and health


Country and honor


Faith, charity, hope




Malaysia Military Slogans


Strong and Loyal


Keep on Fighting


Loyal and True


Whilst there is life, there is a fight


Who Dares Wins in Bajau


Who Dares Wins in Kadazandusun


Swift and Sure


Ready to Sacrifice


Be the Best



Netherlands Military Slogans


Royal Netherlands Army


Strong by conviction


Neither rashly nor timidly


Now or never


We stand for protection


Small in numbers, great in deeds


Serving in danger



Norway Military Slogans


For peace and freedom


In this sign, you will conquer


Everything for the King!


Everywhere where right and glory lead


For King, country, and the flag’s honor


King, people, and fatherland



Singapore Military Slogans


The Heart of SAF’s Firepower


Steadfast We Stand


First in the East


Vigilant and Ready


Swift and Decisive


Ready to Strike


Throughout the cultures of different ages, we have witnessed various traditions to pay respect to soldiers, warriors, or fighters. In the Neolithic era, soldiers used to be buried with precious ornaments, their sword was a symbol of prestige. Today as well, the sacrifices of armed forces are respected and honored. We have witnessed the status of heroes for them, statues of warriors, the celebration of days, displays of their belongings in museums, and respecting their generations to come. As they spend their days and night alone, far away from home on duty. Countless of them never get to see their families again. As heartbreaking as it is, it is also brave. To think of one’s country above own personal gains is a philosophical and meaningful understanding of life. We are always going to need soldiers, and for that, we need to inspire our generations. To instill inspiration and passion, hopefully, these slogans and sayings have helped.


Further Reading

My passion for writing comes more from reading and writing as a hobby. I am that person who loves to spend time buried in books and research. Enjoy every piece of content you see here as i am here to entertain you with creative words.

