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938 Best World Hunger Slogans & Slogans on Zero Hunger



Healthy breakfast, fancy Lunch, feasts at dinner, and if not up to cooking, ordering delicious food from outside, it sounds ordinary, isn’t it.? However, it is not. More than 690 million people are living in hunger, they have no guarantee whether they will get food, or they will have to go to sleep hungry. The most heartbreaking is they have to see their toddlers and innocent kids go to sleep starved, according to UNICEF, 3.1 million children die every year due to undernourishment. Famines, poverty, lack of resources, discrimination, wars, conflict, gender inequality, climate change, corruption, and class stratification cause hunger to be the biggest problem in the world right now. The statistics are devastating, but the fact that nothing on larges sales has been done seriously enough to help eradicate this problem is not surprising. In the era of capitalism, where the rich are becoming richer, and the poor are becoming poorer.



Catchy Hunger Slogans

Feed the Need


Feed the Future


Hunger-Free Zone


Hunger Is Solvable


Hunger Won’t Win


Empathy Over Hunger


Give Hunger a Break


Rise Against Hunger


From Hunger to Hope


No Hunger, No Limits


No More Empty Plates


No More Hunger Pains


Hunger Knows No Time


Hunger Has No Borders


Giving Hunger a Voice


End Hunger, Feed Hope


Food Security for All


No More Empty Bellies


United Against Hunger


Food is a Basic Right


With hunger comes evil


A World Without Hunger


Giving Hunger the Boot


Feed, Nurture, Empower


Stand Up Against Hunger


No One Should Go Hungry


Food: Fuel for Progress


Hope Begins with a Meal


Serving Love on a Plate


Enough Food, Enough Hope


Stand Against Starvation


A Hunger-Free Generation


Nourish Lives, End Hunger


Food: The Cure for Hunger


Hunger Is Our Common Enemy


Food for All, All for Food


Together We Can End Hunger


Take a bite out of hunger.


No Child Should Know Hunger


Let’s Make Hunger History


Sharing Love, Ending Hunger


Hunger Has No Discrimination


Hope Grows Where Hunger Ends


Breaking the Chains of Hunger


Ending Hunger is Within Reach


Ending Hunger, Changing Lives


Hunger: A Crisis We Can Solve


Let hunger die not the hungry


Join the Fight Against Hunger


Food for Thought, Food for All


Taking a stand against hunger.


Donate. Volunteer. End Hunger.


Building Bridges Beyond Hunger


Share a Meal, Spread Happiness


Join the Movement to End Hunger


Join the Fight, Feed the Hungry


Food: A Lifeline Against Hunger


Eliminate Hunger, Empower Lives


Compassion Fills Empty Stomachs


Sustaining Lives, Erasing Hunger


Feed the Hungry, Fuel the Future


A World Where No One Goes Hungry


Making Hunger a Thing of the Past


Together We Can Fill Empty Plates


Conquering Hunger, Embracing Hope


Ending Hunger, One Meal at a Time


Feed the Hungry, Nourish the Soul


Unlocking Potential, Ending Hunger


Fighting Hunger, Restoring Dignity


Share the Bounty, Alleviate Hunger


Feeding Dreams, Eradicating Hunger


Zero Hunger, Infinite Possibilities


Fighting Hunger, One Meal at a Time


Fighting Hunger, Building Community


Feeding Futures, One Meal at a Time


Nourish the World, Eradicate Hunger


Defeating Hunger, One Bite at a Time


Feed your brain with others’ hunger.


Bridging the Gap: From Hunger to Plenty


Food Is Not Even a Need, It’s A Must!


No Justice When Half the World Is Hungry!


Food for survival or survival for nourishment


Hunger Is an Empty Stomach and a Broken Heart


The best closing of all: A closed-door on hunger.


You’re eager, they’re starving, there’s a distinction

Catchy Hunger Slogans


Top 10 Hunger Slogans

To help you run successful campaigns against the brutality named hunger, we have collated a list of

Top 10 Hunger Slogans for you.


  1. Start sharing
  2. Save food
  3. Food for Sustaining Life
  4. Bread for Every Breath
  5. Hunger: I’m Fed Up
  6. Help hunger vanish
  7. Put sustenance first
  8. Food Justice: Enough to go round!
  9. Wasting food takes lives
  10. World hunger is a shame on humanity


Note: If you’re looking for some Best Food Slogans there’s a whole article dedicated to that: 250 Catchy Food Slogans and Funny Food Slogans


It is a well-known fact that there are enough resources and wealth to eradicate hunger if distributed with justice and through charity. What we need is well-organized welfare plans, better economic policies, an awareness campaign to promote charity, and tell the world the heartbreaking stories that starvation, and births.



World Hunger Slogans

World Hunger Day is observed on the 28th of May every year. The day is observed to highlight the problem of hunger and poverty in the world. NGOs want, and other members of civil society to run campaigns, conduct seminars, and conferences to collect as much as donations, funds, and charity as they can. Starvation must be the only crisis that is killing million like viruses but is not contagious perhaps that is why no one cared enough to come up with the solution to end it once and all. To help fight hunger, the passion and empathy for humanity are fundamental to the right campaign, and world hunger slogans can try and shake humanity to donate to the cause.

World Hunger Slogans include.


  • Don’t leave people starving
  • Feed the ones starving
  • Food, Fuel for Faith
  • Stop hunger: begin sharing!
  • Draw the line on hunger
  • Food – A Matter of Justice
  • Wasting food is a sin
  • Food unites and liberates
  • Hunger is a disgrace to society
  • Say no to food wastage


Feed the need!


Say no to consumption


Free food to the needy


Penalty for wasting food


Fuel up, conquer hunger.


Hunger has met its match.


Indulge in deliciousness.


Food for all hope for all


Stop wasting start sharing


A tasty remedy for hunger.


Hunger relief starts here.


Together we can end hunger


No hunger means world peace


Your hunger’s worst enemy.


A sanctuary for hungry souls.


Where hunger meets its match.


Satisfy your hunger cravings.


A remedy for hunger’s woes.


From cravings to contentment.


Hunger begone, flavor welcome.


Taste the triumph over hunger.


Your hunger, our top priority.


Escape the clutches of hunger.


A sanctuary for hungry hearts.


A feast to silence the growls.


Discover a world beyond hunger.


Where flavor meets fulfillment.


Hunger doesn’t stand a chance.


When hunger strikes, we deliver.


Hungry? We’ve got you covered.


Savor the taste of satisfaction.


Hunger relief made extraordinary.


Fight for what makes a difference


Rise above hunger’s challenges.


Flavors that triumph over hunger.


Fulfill your appetite with flavor.


Answering the call of your hunger.


Conserve today to consume tomorrow


Delicious bites to vanquish hunger.


Revive your senses, conquer hunger.


A hunger solution for every craving.


No more hunger, just pure enjoyment.


Satisfy your hunger, feed your soul.


Your hunger’s nemesis has arrived.


Nourish your body, energize your day.


Hunger conquered, cravings satisfied.


Hunger has never been this delicious.


Hunger is a pain that is hard to bear


Unlock the flavor, banish the hunger.


Unlock the pleasure of a hearty meal.


Solutions for your grumbling stomach.


Hunger’s kryptonite, in every bite.


Taste the magic that vanishes hunger.


Savor the relief from hunger’s grip.


From hunger pangs to contented smiles.


Embrace the joy of a satisfied appetite.


Conquer your hunger, one bite at a time.


Transforming hunger into culinary bliss.


Escape the clutches of an empty stomach.


For the love of food and beating hunger.


Experience the bliss of hunger conquered.


Quench your hunger’s insatiable thirst.


Delivering happiness, one meal at a time.


No more empty stomachs, only happy hearts.


Solutions for hunger, served with a smile.


Step by step together we can tackle hunger


Taste the difference, satisfy your hunger.


A symphony of flavors that silence hunger.


From famished to fulfilled, in every bite.


From empty to elation, one meal at a time.


A culinary journey to satiate your hunger.


Nourishing your body, soothing your hunger.


An oasis of flavors, a respite from hunger.


No more hunger, just pure culinary delight.


Nourishment that silences the hunger roars.


Hunger relief with a side of deliciousness.


Fueling your hunger with pure deliciousness.


Hunger is the mother of anxiety and outrage.


Tantalize your taste buds and conquer hunger.


Taste the satisfaction of a hunger-free meal.


Delicious meals that silence the hunger pangs.


Fuel your hunger with our mouthwatering dishes.


Indulge your hunger with our culinary delights.


Bursting flavors that appease the hunger beast.


Hunger has met its match, and it’s delicious.


Quenching hunger’s desires with deliciousness.


Elevating your taste buds, extinguishing hunger.


People are passing on starvation and starvation.


Autonomy of Food is the Security of Life and Earth


Turning hunger into happiness, one plate at a time.


Experience the ultimate satisfaction of a full meal.


Food for the World Today – Hope for the World Tomorrow


Food? On the off chance that everybody gets it’s Good!


Discover the taste that satisfies even the fiercest hunger.


If you need to dispense with hunger, everyone must be included.


Hunger is keener than the sword. Hunger is more honed than the sword.



Slogans About Poverty and Hunger





Slogans About Poverty and Hunger

World Hunger Day is observed on the 28th of May every year. The day is observed to highlight the problem of hunger and poverty in the world. NGOs want, and other members of civil society to run campaigns, conduct seminars, and conferences to collect as much as donations, funds, and charity as they can. Starvation must be the only crisis that is killing million like viruses but is not contagious perhaps that is why no one cared enough to come up with the solution to end it once and all. To help fight hunger, the passion and empathy for humanity are fundamental to the right campaign, and world hunger slogans can try and shake humanity to donate to the cause.

Slogans about Poverty and hunger include

Freedom to eat


Feed the hungry


Farmers are hero


Food is priority


No food more war


No hunger no war


An ounce of hope 


Go with the Grain


Feed one at a time


No sleeping hungry


Share what you got


Help remove hunger


Hunger can never win


Say no global hunger


Your duty is to feed


Food for every child


Wasting food is a sin


Hunger: 1, humanity: 0


Free food to the needy


Hunger: 1, humanity: 0


With hunger comes evil


Say no to food wastage


Let there be no hunger


Say no over consumption


Respect the food you get


More food more happiness


Wasting food takes lives


Penalty for wasting food


Share your holiday bread


Food for all hope for all


Serve food serve humanity


Food unites and liberates


Food is fuel for the soul


Fight hunger build future


Food is good for everyone


Let those kids eat not beg


Together we can end hunger


No child dies malnourished


Stop wasting start sharing


Think hunger Think to share


No hunger means world peace


No child should sleep hungry


Fight hunger and build future


Control hunger control nation


Let’s win over child hunger


Hunger a disgrace to society 


None deserves to be in hunger


Share food as much as you can


Let hunger die not the hungry


Unite to remove global hunger


Design a hunger-free community


Stop wasting food stop killing


A towering problem is a hunger.


Nobody should die out of hunger


Raise your voice against hunger


Lighten your mood have some food


Worries Go Down Better With Soup


The goal is to end global hunger


Sharing food is a responsibility


Conserve today to consume tomorrow


Let’s stop hunger in its tracks.


The food you eat is your reflection


Sustaining is feeding one at a time 


Experience Hunger and Share the Food


Don’t let hunger win over humanity


You are angry because you are hungry


Food conservation is a responsibility


Hunger is a pain that is hard to bear


Food conservation is a responsibility


Each step for eliminating global hunger


Let’s bring peace; let’s bring food


Share a piece of bread and make a friend


Good food is not luxury is a basic right


Share a piece of bread and make a friend


The one problem is overconsumption, stop it


Food is the only option to start conserving


Share a meal with someone it really matters


War against hunger is a war for global peace


Robots won’t feed us; start producing food


Sharing food is a step towards removing hunger


World hunger is a curse on the entire humanity


Let’s All Eat Something Today, I Mean All of Us


No peace without equity – we should battle hunger


Words don’t fix hunger issue; food does start sharing


Enough will be sufficient! Beat hunger, stop over-devouring.


Hunger is an issue but doing nothing about it is a severe one


5 million individuals in the U.S. are ravenous or don’t know where their next feast is originating from, and 13 million of them are kids. In the event that another nation was doing this to our youngsters, we’d be at war.



Slogans on Zero Hunger

To aim for zero hunger is very ambitious but not impossible. The world needs to work together as a community by keeping aside their racial, national, ethnic, and religious differences.

Here is a list of Zero hunger slogans!

Feed one at a time


Avoid food wastage


Help settle hunger


No sleeping hungry


Food for every child


Keep calm and eat up!


Keep calm and eat on!


Let’s aim and achieve.


Donut worry, be hungry!


Say no to global hunger


None deserves to be hunger


No child dies malnourished


Let those kids eat not beg


Conserve Food – Save Lives


Hungry for success and snacks!


Donut worry, eat and be merry!


Stop wasting food stop killing


Donut worry, be happy and eat!


Sharing food is a responsibility


A step towards hunger elimination


Feed the belly, nourish the soul!


In a world of salads, be the pizza!


Hunger: The stomach’s alarm clock!


Conserve nourishment – spare lives


Feed the belly, fuel the fire within!


Hunger pangs? More like hunger bongs!


Food: The fuel that powers my awesome!


In a world full of salads, be a pizza!


Hunger: The ultimate food delivery app!


Hunger: The champion of snack cravings!


Keep calm and eat your way to happiness!


In a world of salads, be the bacon bits!


Taste buds demand immediate satisfaction!


Seafood diet: I see food and I devour it!


Food: The tasty fuel for a life well-lived!


Hunger games? More like ‘Feed Me’ games!


Hunger: The eternal quest for deliciousness!


Hungry minds are always thinking about food!


I’m not fat, I’m just a food connoisseur!


Tacos: Because life needs more deliciousness!


Together, we can make a world with zero hunger


Hunger: The stomach’s relentless wake-up call!


I’m not fat, I’m just food storage efficient!


Hunger: The unrivaled champion of snack cravings!


I’m on a seafood diet. I see food and I eat it!


Warning: Hunger may cause uncontrollable cravings!


When hunger strikes, surrender to the snack attack!


Tacos: Because life without them is just shell-ish!


Don’t go bacon my heart, I couldn’t if I fried!


Seafood diet: I see food and I devour it with gusto!


Hunger games? I prefer the ‘Feast Mode’ version!


Hunger: The driving force behind culinary greatness!


Hangry? Grab a Snickers and satisfy the beast within!


Hangry? Grab a Snickers and unleash your inner beast!


I’m not fat, I’m just a well-fed food enthusiast!


Warning: Hunger can lead to irrational food decisions!


Got hunger? We’ve got the cure, it’s called pizza!


When hunger strikes, snack like there’s no tomorrow!


Hunger: The original motivation for kitchen innovation!


Hunger: The greatest motivation for kitchen creativity!


Hunger: The original motivator for culinary brilliance!


Hunger: The secret ingredient that enhances every meal!


Tacos: Because it’s always ‘Taco’ clock somewhere!


If you can’t stand the hunger, get out of the kitchen!


Hunger: The stomach’s way of saying, ‘Feed me now!’


I’m not lazy, I’m conserving energy for my next feast!


The war against hunger is really humankind’s war of freedom


Hunger is an issue but doing nothing about it is a severe one


I’m not lazy, I’m just saving energy for food adventures!


Hunger: The inspiration for mouthwatering kitchen experiments!


Got Food? At that point share it with somebody that doesn’t.


I’m not lazy, I’m just conserving energy for my next meal!


We have finished hunger, however now we need to end starvation.


Hunger is the best sauce. And cheese. And bacon. And chocolate…


Hunger games are so last year, let’s play ‘Feed Me’ instead!


My hobbies include eating, snacking, and thinking about my next meal.


Warning: Hunger can lead to irrational food choices and excessive snacking!


We realize that a tranquil world can’t long exist, 33% rich and 66% hungry.


Hunger: The stomach’s way of saying, ‘Feed me or face the consequences!’







Food Insecurity Slogan


From hunger to hope.


No Hunger, No Growth!


No hunger, no limits.


No hunger, no barriers.


Join hands, end hunger.


Hunger: Fuel for change.


Hope begins with a meal.


Hunger: Drive for change.


Hunger is the best sauce.


Stay Hungry, Stay Driven!


Hunger: Bridging the gap.


No hunger, no boundaries.


Ignite change, end hunger.


Hunger knows no prejudice.


Hunger knows no boundaries.


Stay Hungry, Stay Inspired!


Fuel Your Fire with Hunger!


Hungry Hearts Never Settle!


Hungry Hearts Lead the Way!


Hunger: A battle we can win.


Stay Hungry, Stay Motivated!


Hunger: A fight we must win.


No child should know hunger.


Hunger: The Spark of Success!


Inspire action, fight hunger.


Breaking the cycle of hunger.


Join the movement, end hunger.


Join the fight against hunger.


Hungry Minds Shape the Future!


Ending hunger starts with you.


Feeding dreams, ending hunger.


Hunger doesn’t take a break.


Hunger: It’s what drives us.


Hunger: A catalyst for change.


Satisfy hunger, empower lives.


Hunger: A problem we can solve.


Starve Doubt, Feed Your Hunger!


Hungry Minds Create the Future!


No one should go to bed hungry.


Hunger: Ignite the fire within.


Indulge in the Power of Hunger!


Feed the hunger, feed the hope.


Hunger: The call for compassion.


Hunger: The power of compassion.


Hunger: A problem worth solving.


Hunger: The enemy we can defeat.


Together, we can feed the world.


Hunger: The Spark of Innovation!


Together, we can conquer hunger.


Empowering lives, ending hunger.


Building a future without hunger.


Hunger has no place in our world.


Hunger: Let’s make it a memory.


Raising awareness, ending hunger.


Uniting for a hunger-free future.


Hunger: The Engine of Excellence!


A hunger-free future is our goal.


Embrace Hunger, Embrace Greatness!


Together, we can eliminate hunger.


Serving hope, one plate at a time.


Ending hunger, one step at a time.


Hunger: Turning despair into hope.


Creating a hunger-free generation.


Serving nourishment, serving hope.


Hunger: Together, we can overcome.


Hunger: A challenge we can conquer.


Empathy in action: fighting hunger.


Feed Your Hunger, Fuel Your Dreams!


Feed your hunger, fuel your dreams.


Hunger: It’s time to take a stand.


Fighting hunger, one meal at a time.


Hungry for Success, Hungry for More!


Feed Your Hunger, Fuel Your Passion!


Hunger: The Catalyst for Innovation!


Embrace Hunger, Embrace Achievement!


Feed Your Hunger, Chase Your Dreams!


Feast on Ambition, Savor the Victory!


Fighting hunger, one plate at a time.


Ignite Your Appetite for Achievement!


Feed Your Hunger, Pursue Your Vision!


Fuel Your Hunger, Fuel Your Ambition!


Building bridges, eradicating hunger.


Fuel Your Hunger, Ignite Your Passion!


Fuel Your Hunger, Ignite Your Success!


Fuel Your Fire with Hunger and Desire!


Feed Your Hunger, Conquer Your Dreams!


Hunger: Our collective responsibility.


Nourish the hungry, nourish the world.


Hunger: The Powerhouse of Achievement!


Hunger: Fueling change, igniting hope.


Hunger: Uniting hearts, changing lives.


Hunger: The Driving Force of Champions!


Hungry for Excellence, Hungry for More!


Hunger: The Key Ingredient for Success!


A world without hunger is within reach.


Hunger: The battle we can win together.


Hungry for Change, Hungry for Progress!


Stay Hungry, Stay Inspired, Stay Ahead!


Conquer Your Hunger, Conquer the World!


Hunger: The Driving Force of Achievers!


Hungry Hearts Lead the Path to Triumph!


Embrace Your Hunger, Conquer Your Goals!


Embrace Your Hunger, Embrace Excellence!


Embrace Your Hunger, Ignite Your Dreams!


Hungry for Change, Hungry for Greatness!


Fuel Your Hunger, Ignite Your Potential!


Hunger: Let’s write a different story.


Hunger: A problem we can solve together.


Stay Hungry, Stay Inspired, Stay on Top!


Feed Your Hunger, Chase Your Aspirations!


Stay hungry, stay foolish. – Steve Jobs


Hunger: The Key to Unlock Your Potential!


Feed Your Hunger, Unleash Your Potential!


Hunger: A fight we cannot afford to lose.


Feed Your Hunger, Unleash Your Potential!


Conquer Your Cravings, Conquer the World!


Nourish Your Dreams, Satisfy Your Hunger!


Nourish Your Hunger, Feed Your Ambitions!


Nourish Your Dreams, Satisfy Your Hunger!


Embrace Your Hunger, Embrace the Journey!


Nourish Your Hunger, Nurture Your Success!


Embrace the Hunger, Embrace the Challenge!


Feed Your Hunger, Unleash Your Brilliance!


Hunger: The Pathway to Great Achievements!


Stay Hungry, Stay Focused, Stay Victorious!


Embrace the Hunger Within, Embrace Success!


Hunger: Changing lives, one meal at a time.


Hunger: The Secret Ingredient to Greatness!


Stay Hungry, Stay Driven, Stay Unstoppable!


Nourish Your Hunger, Nurture Your Potential!


Hunger: Uniting communities, changing lives.


From hunger to fullness, the journey begins.


Feed Your Hunger, Achieve the Extraordinary!


From hunger to fulfillment, a shared vision.


Hunger: Let’s make it a thing of the past.


Nourish Your Hunger, Cultivate Your Success!


Embrace the Hunger Within, Embrace Greatness!


Hungry Minds Innovate, Hungry Hearts Succeed!


Hungry Minds Innovate, Hungry Hearts Achieve!


Hunger: Lighting the way to a brighter future.


Hunger: A global challenge, a united response.


Hunger: Inspiring action, making a difference.


Hunger: Empower the hungry, empower the world.


Stay Hungry, Stay Motivated, Stay Accomplished!


Hunger: The Catalyst for Extraordinary Results!


Uniting against hunger, building a better world.


Unleashing the power of compassion to end hunger.


Hunger: The Pathway to Remarkable Accomplishments!



Hunger exists, and it has been discussed why it exists, the poverty, poor infrastructure, and food shortage, but now we should work towards policy-making to come up with long-standing and more effective solutions. The solutions to hunger are yearly mandatory charity and funding, infrastructure development in remote areas, better economic policy, job opportunities, education to help them to get resources from the world, and empowerment of women, minorities, and marginalized groups. The macro challenge of bringing peace to society is also fundamental, the more we will avoid conflict and wars, the more resources we save, and more people die of starvation. The curfews, terror, war, and conflicts caged people within boundaries where food shortage becomes definitive. Famines are also catastrophes that, from 1860 to 2016, killed 128 million people. That is also a result of political and technical complexities. With all of that being said it is high time that we work towards the distribution of resources to at least provide people with the basic necessity of life like food in the 21st century.



Further Reading

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Best Save Wildlife Slogans & Sayings

Best Animal Cruelty Slogans & Sayings

Animal Slogans & Sayings

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Catchy Blood Donation Slogans & Sayings

Catchy Gratitude Slogans & Sayings

Catchy Anti-Racism Slogans & Sayings

Cool Bachelorette Party Slogans and Sayings

Catchy Slogans on Human Rights Day

My passion for writing comes more from reading and writing as a hobby. I am that person who loves to spend time buried in books and research. Enjoy every piece of content you see here as i am here to entertain you with creative words.

