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170 Powerful US Military Mottos | Military Branch Mottos | Military Police Mottos



The military is an institution that defines if the country is sovereign or not. The military consists of armed forces and auxiliary forces. It determines what policies the nation is going to have regarding security, defense, or national security stance. The institution of the military decides what vision they have and what their role would be, for example, with which country they are going to allies, nemesis, or with which they are going to compete in terms of defense weapons. What agenda do they have for world politics, and what stance do they have on peace or war in different regions. It protects through borders and works toward the implementation of laws.


Top 10 Military Mottos

  1. Get Some
  2. Whatever It Takes
  3. Balls of the Corps
  4. Retreat Hell
  5. Peace Through Strength
  6. Come and take them
  7. Deeds, Not Words
  8. The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday
  9. We Quell the Storm and Ride the Thunder
  10. Better to die than to be a coward


Top 10 Military Mottos


US Military Mottos

First There


Always Faithful


Fire from The Clouds


Ready for All, Yielding to None


Swift, Silent, Deadly


This We’ll Defend


Not-Self, but Country


What Others May Live


Always Prepared


To Protect and To Serve


To and Through


To liberate the oppressed


Always Ready, Always There


Aim High…Fly, Fight, Win


US Military Mottos



Military Branch Mottos

Military Branch mottos mean, Mottos for the Navy, Army, marines, etc., They have different duties hence different mottos.

Here is a list of Military Branch Mottos for you.


our destination is beyond everyone else’s destination


A silent force to be reckoned with


How high you fly depends on how brave you are


always dominate the heights


Loyal and Wise Knights


Everywhere with Honour and Glory


Ready for Anything, Counting on Nothing


loyalty and justice.


Swift and Secure


solve the knot with the sword


Ever Powerful


the mountain bows, the ocean splits


Sacrifice is a Sign of the Brave


With Determination, I Shall win


Fraternity, Devotion, Sincerity


Be it the deserts, Be it the rivers, All are under my wings


Bold and fearless, endowed with undaunted spirit and a great measure of heavenly might”


Military Branch Mottos



Military Unit Mottos




Duty first






Defend from above


Who dares wins


Watch and ward


Without warning


Guide and deliver


Expeditionary support


Strike swiftly


Find and destroy






let’s go


Pass not unseen


Prepared to fight


strength and courage


Steadfast in support


Silent service


always vigilant


For hearth and home


We will find a way


Be ready


Ever forward, never back


Nothing prevents


Between spears and enemies


Stronger together


Not unequal to many


Ready aye ready


Fortune favors the bold


United in purpose


Never to be taken alive to the end


Whither duty and glory lead


Fight, overcome, or die


We stand on guard for thee


Devoted to excellence


Such is the pathway to the stars


Right in front


Splendor without diminishment


Without fear and beyond reproach


Military Unit Mottos



Military Police Mottos

They are always on the roads, with the common public, protecting us 24/7.

The military police. Let’s have a look at what inspires them through the following list of Military Police Mottos. 


Now or never


Loyal military police.


To Protect and Serve


Serving in Danger


Always ready for justice


For peace and freedom


The talent of doing well


At your service, across the land


Fortitude overcomes all difficulties


Always and Everywhere


Faithful throughout the centuries


For the law and for the people


In this sign, you shall conquer


Those who wanted, always could


The safeguards of the republic shall be the supreme law


Without fear and without dishonor


Military Police Mottos


Military Slogans and Mottos

A bonus of Best Military Mottos and Slogans! Choose which inspired you the most.  


Death from Above


Make Peace or Die


Lest we forget


Three Sacred Powers


Army of One


quality is our strength


beyond what is possible


honor, duty, will


touch the Sky with Glory


Firepower For Land Power.


Fight with Determination


Honor, Sacrifice, Loyalty


Through Adversity to the Stars


We Quell the Storm and Ride the Thunder.


the battle we must when enemy in sight.


The Man in the Tank Shall Win


loyalty and honor on land and sea


Everywhere right and glory lead


It is better to die than be a coward


Win Over the Enemy in The Sky


It is a glory to die doing one’s duty


we tame the flames, we give our hearts


He who has planted will preserve.


Army Builds a Nation [which] Builds an Army


Make a Great Power for Serving The Nation


It’s Not Just a Job, It’s An Adventure.


the decisive battle outside of the national boundary.


If you wish for peace, prepare for war.


Whilst there is life, there is a fight


Ready to Lead, Ready to Follow, Never Quit.


Working Without Counting The Profit and Loss


Artillery is the Queen of Battle


Ahead, Always Ahead” or “First, Always First


No Difficulties Can Not be Conquered


Military Slogans and Mottos


Military Mottos to Live by

Military mottos are not just for military soldiers, but the mottos, level of discipline, motivation, physical words, and even ideologies, if adopted by the public, we will notice a social change of a more organized and passionate public!

Here is the list of Best Military Mottos to live by, which you can apply to your life and have a productive and healthy life.


Ever faithful


Out of many, one


Do not give in


Be the Best


Who dares wins


valour and discipline


Strike and breakthrough


The dead, get up


The will is decisive


Learn to suffer without complaining!


Fear no pain, fear no challenge, fear not death.


Protect, help, moderate, fight


Courage becomes stronger in danger


He who saves one soul, it is as if he saves a whole world


Does not retreat even if broken


Neither rashly nor timidly


(those who) covet life and fear death do not enter this door,


They can do what it seems they cannot


(those who wish for) promotion and wealth please take other paths.


When the waves grow stronger, the strong men are revealed


No Mission Too Difficult, No Sacrifice Too Great, Duty First


Being a soldier is not an easy job, it is not an ordinary 9-5 job. Every single day they wonder if they will make it through today or not? They live in jungles and tents, and in the most unlivable conditions, they spend months. They fight with the evilest of the minds, such as terrorist organizations.  The roads they walk on, they don’t know if they are mined, they are always on target of someone’s sniper. The military protects our homes and our homeland while they don’t get to see their families for months, years, or many times never. The tough, challenging, and dedicated life of the military deserves the honor. The military mottos preach what they stand for and inspire others to join in o the journey with the same passion. Military mottos also give us the perspective to understand the emotions and intensity of the job.


Military Mottos to Live by


Keep supporting those who are supporting the nations with their lives!


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My passion for writing comes more from reading and writing as a hobby. I am that person who loves to spend time buried in books and research. Enjoy every piece of content you see here as i am here to entertain you with creative words.

