140 Latest Valentine’s Day Phrases for Business
Valentine’s day Phrases are here to help you write what you have not said or written in a whole year to your loved ones. Since, no matter how unconditional love is, it needs appreciation here and there.
We neglect or take love for granted in our lives, but we should make efforts at least one day a year to let people around us know how much we love them and acknowledge their love. A few of the phrases are worldwide famous and translated into many languages because they express what love feels like.
Valentine’s Day Phrases
To inspire you and to help you express your love, we have collated a list of Top 10 Valentine’s day Phrases.
- We are most alive when we’re in love.
- True love is like a fine wine, the older the better.
- It’s a rainy day when you’re not around.
- When I follow my heart it leads me to you.
- Love others so radically they wonder why.
- For us to be together I pray, for this Valentine’s Day.
- Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.
- Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?
- I discovered true happiness the day you walked into my life.
- To hold your hand feels so sweet, with you I always feel complete.
The celebration of love is not strictly for romantic partners but for parents and friends as well. Most often, we forget to appreciate our parents for their lifelong sacrifices and our friends for putting up with us. Valentine’s day brings the opportunity to show care and respect to relationships that protect our life from falling apart. Furthermore, we can learn a thing or a few from valentine’s day. When you see how much your expressive love brings joy to someone you love, you may think to make an effort to be this eloquent the whole year. It will only strengthen the bond.
Note: If you’re looking for some Catchy Valentine’s Day Slogans there’s a whole article dedicated to that: Catchy Valentine’s Day Slogans & Valentine’s Taglines Perfect for You
Funny Valentine Day Phrases
- You make every day seem like Valentine’s Day.
- Love others therefore radically they surprise why.
- My lovely honey Valentine, you make me half insane
- The heart has its reasons of which reason knows nothing
- A kiss makes the heart young again and wipes out the years
- Now a soft kiss – Aye, by that kiss, I vow an endless bliss
- A hundred hearts would be too few to carry all my love for you.
- Gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love
- I’m the Valentine’s thief and I’m here to steal your heart.
- I love you with all my heart, let’s stay together and never part
- The greatest factor you’ll ever learn is to like and be dear reciprocally.
Valentine’s Day Phrases for Kids
- You make my heart RACE.
- You make my heart smile.
- You mean the world to me.
- You make my heart bounce.
- Give me some sugar, baby.
- You make my loop complete.
- You’re the BEE’S KNEES.
- You mean a great deal to me.
- You make my heart skip a beat
- I’m WILD about you, Valentine.
- I heard you like CORNY Valentines.
- No bones about it you are the top dog.
- If there is no passion, there is no love
- We live a little more when we are in love
Valentine’s Day Phrases for Friends
- Love is a smoke made with the fume of sighs
- In love there are two things – bodies and words.
- My lovely honey Valentine, you make me half insane
- I believe you stole something of mine – my heart.
- My lovely honey Valentine, you make me half insane.
- Once in a lifetime, you meet someone who changes everything.
- Good thing I’m over 21 because your beauty is intoxicating.
- If being sexy was a crime, you’d be on the Most Wanted List.
- If I said you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?
- You must be a beaver because all I think of when I see you is Dam!
- I sure hope my parachute opens, because I’m falling fast for you.
- I loved you yesterday, I love you still, I always have, and always WILL
- The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is to love and be loved in return
- To be treated the same way every day that’s my take on Valentine’s Day.
- If I had but one wish to come true, it would be to spend Valentine with you
- Do you know first aid? Because Cupid just shot me straight through the heart.
- The spaces between your fingers were created so that another’s could fill them in.
- When I saw you, I knew I was on the right track… because my heart was off and racing.
Note: If you’re looking for some Catchy Valentine’s Day Marketing Slogans there’s a whole article dedicated to that: Best Valentine’s Day Marketing Slogans & Valentine’s Day Sale Slogans
Valentine Day Phrases for Classmates
- You’re like a broken staircase. You make me go head over heels.
- I need a compass when I look at you because I keep getting lost in your eyes
- The Surgeon General ought to put a warning on you because you are smokin’ hot.
- Love is like fire, whether it will warm your heart or burn your house down, you never know
- Do you like photography? Because I’d love to take you to a dark room and see what develops.
- Darling, my love for you is as deep as the sea and as high as the sky. Happy Valentine’s Day!
- What I need to live has been given to me by the earth. Why I need to live has been given to me by you.
Valentine Day Phrases for Cards
- Let’s get high in love
- I smile more when I am with you
- Take care of my heart; it’s with you
- It would be a waste living without you
- For the love that would never fade away
- I have started becoming you after I met you
- You don’t walk in my heart; you live in it
- After all this time, you’re still incredible.
- With your heart of gold, together we can grow old
- You make me feel complete; you make my life perfect
- We are a single soul, just inhabiting in two bodies
- You walked into my life to change it in a better way
- Whenever I go dine with you, it feels like valentine
- I don’t count the days spent without you in my life
- The only art that comes from the core of heart – Love
- The happiness walked into my life, the moment you entered
- The only gift you can give me this valentine is your heart
- You are not my first love, but I am sure you are the last one
- You are the one for whom my heart whispered: “that’s the one.”
Valentine’s Day Phrases for Cards
Cards become a memory like an old album. Every time we miss someone, we look at their belongings or presents, so make sure to write words so beautifully, so every time they see your card, their heart fills up with happiness and love.
Here is a collection of Best Valentine’s Day Card Phrases for you to make someone feel out of the world.
- You can tie your heart with me
- You crafted my heart’s smile
- Oh my valentine, you are a fine wine
- The existence of heart is just for you
- My heartbeat is the sound of your love
- Be the apple of my eye and never say bye
- With you in my life, I live more than I use to
- You are not in my life because you are my life
- Let’s get lost in each other like being found
- I am blessed with eyes so that I can only see you
- Let’s sign a declaration of love this valentine
- You are a valentine thief who will steal my heart
- Love is friendship set on fire and you are my spark
- I can spend my entire life just looking at you in awe.
- If I know what it is to love; I know it because of you.
- You have coloured my whole world with the colour of love
- A hundred hearts would be too few to hold all of my love for you.
- You are like an angel who has filled my life with love and happiness
- With you by my side, each day is beautiful. Every day is worth living
- I am elated that you are behind me. Cheery and joyful Valentine’s Day
- You are my love, you are my life, you are my world, you are my everything
- I love you with all my butt. I’d say, heart, however, my butt is larger
- I love you not only for what you are but for what I am when I am with you.
- Every love story is beautiful, but ours is my favourite. Happy Valentine’s Day!
Spanish Valentine’s Day Phrases
Spanish, the sexiest language on earth, in Spain they celebrate valentine’s day with great love. In Spanish, it is called El Día de San Valentín, and lovers commemorate the fact that they are in love. So if you are from Spain and someone you love is from Spain, this section is for you. You can write the subsequent Spanish valentine’s Day phrases on a card or send them through an E-card and make their day special along with yours.
Spanish Valentine’s Day Phrases Include
- Te quiero, te amo (I love you)
- Eres mi vida (You are my life)
- Sabes Que te amo (You know that I love you)
- Te llevo en mi corazón (You are in my heart)
- Mi corazón es todo tuyo (My heart is all yours)
- Lo eres todo para mi (You are everything for me)
- Me Estoy Enamorado de ti (I’ve got a crush on you)
- Eres dueño/dueña de mi corazón (You own my heart)
- Eres el Amor de mi Vida (You are the love of my life)
- Quieres ser mi Valentíne? (Will you be my Valentine?)
- Tú eres mi razón de ser (You are my reason for being)
- Me alegro tanto cuando te veo (I am so happy when I see you)
- Tú eres mi rayo de sol, mi amor. (You are my sunshine, my love)
- Siempre estás en mis pensamientos (You are always in my thoughts)
- Que todo lo que hagas sea con amor. (Let all that you do be done in love).
- Me muero por ti (Me muero por tu amor) (I die for you) (I die for your love)
- Eres lo más importante para mi (You are the most important thing in my life)
- Pienso en ti como algo más que un amigo. (I think of you as more than a friend)
German Valentine’s Day Phrases
The section is for the German readers if you are from Germany, or someone you love speaks German, these German phrases will melt their heart.
Best German Valentine’s Day Phrases Include
- Ich liebe dich. (I love you.)
- Ich steh’ auf dich. (I’m into you.)
- Du bist wunderschön (You are beautiful)
- Ich habe dich lieb. I like you very much.
- Du bist mein Schatz (You are my sweetheart)
- Liebe ist in der Luft. (love is in the air)
- Du siehst sehr gut aus (You look really good)
- Ich vermisse Dich so sehr (I miss you so much)
- Mein Herz gehört Dir (My heart belongs to you)
- Du siehst wunderschön aus (You look beautiful)
- Ich bin in dich verknallt (I have a crush on you)
- Du machst mich so glücklich (You make me so happy)
- Du bist so schön. (You are so handsome/beautiful).
- Du bedeutest mir sehr viel. (You mean so much to me.)
- Alles Liebe zum Valentinstag! Happy Valentine’s Day!
- Willst du mit mir gehen? (Do you want to go out with me?)
- Ohne Dich kann ich nicht leben (I can’t live without you)
- Möchtest du mein Valentin sein? (Will you be my Valentine?)
- Du bist meine erste große Liebe (You are my first true love)
- Du bist meine Lieblings-Person. (You are my favorite person.)
- Ich liebe Dich mit ganzem Herzen (I love you with all my heart)
- Es war Liebe auf den ersten Blick. (It was love at first sight)
- Du bist die Liebe meines Lebens. (You are the love of my life.)
- Wir waren für einander bestimmt. (We were meant to be together.)
- Genießen Sie Ihren Valentinstag. (Enjoy your Valentine’s Day!)
- Ich Bin so Froh, Dass Es Dich Gibt (I’m so glad that you exist.)
- Du gehst mir nicht aus dem Kopf. (I can’t stop thinking about you.)
- Ich bin bis über beide Ohren verliebt. (I’m head over heels in love.
- Hättest du Lust auf ein Date mit mir? (Would you like to go on a date?)
- Du machst mich zu einem besseren Menschen. (You make me want to be a better man)
- Ich will mein Leben mit Dir gemeinsam verbringen (I want to share my life with you)
French Valentine’s Day Phrases
- I miss you. (Tu me manques.)
- I am yours. (Je suis à toi.)
- I want you. (J’ai envie de toi).
- I belong to you. (Je t’appartiens.)
- Love is blind. (L’amour est aveugle.)
- I love you to death. (Je t’aime à mourir.)
- You are my everything. (Tu es tout pour Moi)
- I love you forever. (Je t’aime pour toujours)
- I am addicted to you. (Je suis accro à toi).
- You broke my heart. (Tu m’as brisé le cœur.)
- Love gives you wings (L’amour donne des ailes)
- You are a part of me. (Tu fais partie de moi.)
- Love is an open door. (L’amour est un cadeau.)
- I am crazy about you. (Je suis fou/folle de toi).
- Do you want to marry me? (Veux-tu m’épouser ?)
- I have you under my skin. (Je t’ai dans la peau.)
- I have a crush on you. (J’ai le béguin pour toi).
- I want to live with you. (Je veux vivre avec toi).
- J’ai le béguin pour toi. I’ve got a crush on you.
- When will I see you again? (Quand te reverrai-je?)
- My heart pounds wildly. (Mon cœur bat la chamade.)
- Veux-tu sortir avec moi? (Will you be my Valentine?)
- You make my head spin. (Tu me fais tourner la tête.)
- You are the one. (Tu es celui/celle que j’attendais).
- I have totally fallen for you. (Je suis dingue de toi.)
- You are the love of my life. (Tu es l’amour de ma vie).
- I feel something for you. (J’ai des sentiments pour toi.)
- I cannot live without you. (Je ne peux pas vivre sans toi).
- You are the sunshine of my life. (Tu es le soleil de ma vie)
- Tu es mon soleil, mon amour. (You are my sunshine, my love.)
- I think of you all the time. (Je pense à toi tout le temps)
- You make me burn with desire. (Je brûle de désir pour toi).
- You mean so much to me. (Tu représentes tellement pour moi).
- I love you with all my heart. (Je t’aime de tout mon cœur).
- Love is stronger than anything. (L’amour est plus fort que tout).
- I want to spend my life with you. (Je veux passer ma vie avec toi)
- We are meant for each other. (Nous sommes faits l’un pour l’autre.)
- I cannot bear to be far from you. (Je ne supporte pas d’être loin de toi.)
- Je vois en toi plus qu’un(e) ami(e). (I think of you as more than a friend.)
- I cannot bear to be apart from you. (Je ne supporte pas d’être séparé(e) de toi).
Happy Valentine’s Day Phrases for Friends
Love has many forms, not necessarily a romantic one. Love for friends is genuine as well and deserves appreciation. That is why don’t forget friends on Valentine’s day. The crazies who support and love you unconditionally. Even when your romantic partner leaves you, friends support you and help you heal. In presence of your friends, you don’t feel self-conscious and be your original self. Relationship with friends needs a celebration too, to show them that we acknowledge all their put-ups with our crisis.
Best Happy Valente’s Day Phrases for Friends Include
- Your awesome sauce.
- You rock, Valentine
- Happy Valentine, toots!
- I treasure your friendship
- You are a berry good friend.
- Thanks for making me snicker.
- Thanks for keeping me grounded.
- You are my biggest support system
- Some bunny loves being your friend.
- Some bunny loves being your friend.
- Happy Valentine’s Day to all my peeps
- I’m so glad we’re in the same school.
- Hey Smartie pants, Happy Valentine’s Day
- I’m really lucky to have you as my friend!
- I’m so fortune-ate that you’re my friend.
- In the cookie of life, friends are chocolate chips.
Love has no language, but people have. That is why we brought a variety of languages into this article. No matter what language you speak, you should be able to express it. The tradition is from centuries to write an affectionate Valentine’s Day phrase and send it through a postcard past, and now through email. Time and technology may change over time, but the importance of the expression of love will always remain. That is what Saint Valentine taught as well through his actions, that nothing should hinder the way of love. So, select your favorite phrase from the above and inspire people to love and be loved.

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