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150 Catchy Eye Donation Slogans & Eye Donation Quotes



Eye Donation Slogans: A wise man once said, ‘give the gift of vision.’. Donating itself is an act of kindness but eye donation, in particular, would fill someone’s life with colors and would provide them an outlet to the outer world. Organ donation is considered a gift that people leave behind in the world of mortals. Donated eyes are given to the impaired through a process known as keratoplasty.  Only the cornea is donated, which gives vision to the acceptor.



Top 10 Eye Donation Slogans

  1. No greater gift
  2. Leave back your vision
  3. Eye Need Your Help!
  4. You’re Eyes, Our Lives.
  5. See-through My Eyes
  6. After You Die, Donate Your Eye
  7. Eye Never Die, Donate Eye
  8. Let someone be thankful
  9. See Through My Eyes
  10. Eye for an Eye



Eye Donation Slogans



The significance of this process can be understood by the huge number of people who suffer from visual challenges. According to WHO nearly 285 million people globally suffer from visual defects. The more the eye donations the more people get to see the colors of the world. No wonder it is a noble cause as it does not require a sacrifice from the donor but would provide the receiver with a new chance at life. The donor becomes a hero for the receiver. It starts a chain reaction of the noble causes which would create ease in the lives of people. However, there are certain myths and misperceptions which prevent people from donating to such a noble cause. People think that their bodies would be grouched and they will be left deformed or their organs might be sold etc. These misperceptions are often annulled by setting credible examples such as Abdul Sattar Edhi, who donated his eyes for a noble cause.


Note: If you’re looking for some Blood Donation Slogans there’s a whole article dedicated to that: Catchy Blood Donation Slogans


Best Eye Donation Slogans


Leave a dream behind.


Eye Donation is Humanity


Useless to Dead, Priceless to Blind.


Make Your Eyes Alive After Death.


Make your eyes alive after death.


Donate because you can.


Light Up a Life, Donate Your Eyes.


Seeing Is Believing, Please Donate!


Let others see the world as you did.


I’ll Keep an Eye Out for You.


A new experience for the blind.


Be someone’s second chance.


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Our Top pick, as you read, is “No Greater Gift,” which elucidates the fact that eye donation is not something mundane, or it will not go unnoticed. You will leave a name, a heritage behind.  It is the most precious, beneficial, and brave gift a person could give to another human. Imagine a person experiencing the sights of the world with your eyes. It is the ultimate way to keep on living even after dying.


Catchy Eye Donation Slogans for Awareness

Donate your eyes, many celebrities in the world have donated their eyes and made sure that they keep on serving humanity from the heavens as well. You too can do this, I can do this, and we all need to do this for each other. To make it from the act of some to the act of all, we need to educate the public on every forum and convince them to consider eye donation. For those campaigns, seminars and awareness programs are conducted. So if you are conducting one a well.

Here is a list of Catchy Eye donation Slogans.


Give Light to Those in Need


Giving vision is the mission


Your sight makes the future bright


Let Eye Donation Be Your Family Tradition.


Spread a little love even after you are gone


Do not simply Leave A can, Leave A Vision.


Give an Eye! Try not to Be Shy!


The eyes have one dialect all over


Eye Donation Means Kindness


Join the hands to Help the Blind


Your eye doesn’t die to donate it


Let someone see through your eyes


I wanna see things from your point of view


LIGHT up an actual existence, give your EYES


Let Someone See the Beauty Through Your Eyes


Be the reason for someone to see the sunshine


Many Reasons Why, To Donate Your Eye


Eye Donation Makes Your Eyes Immortal.


Donation is Human Nature


Eye Donation makes your eyes undying


Lighten the Blind Eyes – Brighten the Blind Lives


So They Can See the Light, Donate Your Sight


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Eye Donation Makes a Difference. Simply Watch.


Make Someone’s Future Bright, Donate Your Sight.


Donate eyes to see what’s humanity looks like.


Eye Donation – A Gift of Beauty, A Return for Eternity.


Even After You’re Gone, Your Eyes Can Keep Seeing.


Let Someone See the Beauty Through Your Eyes.


Leave an inheritance of sight.


Let your eyes change someone’s life, Let’s donate eyes.


Even after you’re gone, your eyes can continue seeing.


Donate vision to the blind, it lights your soul.


Dump Your” I” however Don’t Dump Your “Eye” give It.


Give The Gift of Sight and See a Whole New Light.


Man Utilizes the Gift whereas Alive, And After Death Too.


Let Your Eyes Change Someone’s Life, Let’s Donate Eyes.


Seeing is accepting, if it’s not too much trouble Donate!


Let Eye Donation be your family convention.


When you really care, let someone see life through your eyes.


Let someone else see this beautiful world with your eyes.


Be A Part of the Breakthrough and Make Someone’s Dream Come True.


Spreading `Light’ In World of Darkness Donate Eyes and Gift Sight.


Eye donation makes a difference. Just Watch.


Don’t be shy to donate your eye.


Alone we can do as close to nothing, together we can do such much.


Eye Donation – an endowment of excellence, an arrival for Eternity.


Give the Gift of Sight and See a Whole New Light.


Let the blind see the light.


When you donate an eye, you’re helping the world.


So they can see the light, donate your sight.


Let your eyes see the world after you die, donate your eyes.


Be a piece of the leap forward and make somebody’s blessing from heaven.


If you have an eye running free then give it to someone who can’t see.


Let Someone See The Beauty Through Your Eyes.


Eye Donation is Brotherhood – Eye Donation is Common Good.


Nature and Books belong to the eyes that see them.


Eye Donation – a gift of beauty, a return for Eternity.


Be a part of the breakthrough and make someone’s dream come true.


The eyes square measure the window of the spirit. If it’s not too much trouble Donate!


Don’t give a Person a chance to bite the dust, Donate an Eye!


Eyes Are a Precious Gift to Mankind. A Wise Man Utilizes the Gift While Alive, And After Death Too



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What world has done so far?  The world is recognizing the value of eye donation. It accepts that it is scary and has cultural and religious barriers, but at the same time, it will make the world colorful without the loss of anyone else’s world.

Every year from August 25 to September 8 world celebrates the eye donation fortnights to normalize the donation. The stigmas around it will only be removed when people who don’t believe in stigmas will donate and free the rest of the people from fear.



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Eye Donation Quotes

The following eye donation quotes will motivate and communicate the philosophy behind eye donation.

Let’s Dig In!


Best Eye donation Quotes

See the world is not just about seeing the beauty but it I to find a vision about the beauty of living within yourself and that can only be in living for others. as explained by Helen Keller in this beautiful and deep quote “It is a terrible thing to see and have no vision.”


“To appreciate a more stupendous sight, move to a more noteworthy stature.”


“Kindness is a dialect that the hard of hearing can hear and the visually impaired can see.”


“One Eye Donation Can Make Two Blind People See. We should Make Eye Donation a Family Tradition.”


“The eyes are a precious gift to mankind. A wise man utilizes the gift while alive, and after death too.”


“Spreading `light’ in the world of darkness Donate eyes and gift sight.”


“That old law around ‘tit for tat’ leaves everyone dazzled. The time is in every case ideal to make the best choice.”


In a nutshell, a noble cause such as eye donation must be encouraged in the world. People suffer in huge numbers and a little donation can make the world a better place. Although the idea seems novel and scary, it is not. It is a step forward towards a better world where there is more compassion and love for human life rather than traditions and myths. Once this act of kindness becomes commonplace only then one can claim that society is becoming selfless and compassionate. The sense that alive humans are to be helped live a better life than taking pride in securing deceased bodies. Science has helped humanity so much but sometimes even science needs help from humans to help other humans, which is possible through eye donations.


Further Reading

My passion for writing comes more from reading and writing as a hobby. I am that person who loves to spend time buried in books and research. Enjoy every piece of content you see here as i am here to entertain you with creative words.

