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529 Latest Industrial Safety Slogans & Factory Safety Slogans

Many people take Safety for granted, especially when it is about their employees. Keeping your valued staff safe is crucial to the success of your company. Safety slogans are statements, phrases, or sentences used by an organization or business as part of a campaign to promote a safety culture in their workspaces. They frequently use a memorable and catchy slogan or phrase. These catchy industrial safety slogans may be utilized on billboards, posters, and web pages.

These Industrial safety slogans, which aim to promote a positive safety attitude, can be applied by staff members, employers, clients, collaborators, or the media. You will find hundreds of such Industrial Safety Slogans in this article.

Creating catchy industrial safety slogans for your company may motivate employees to promote a safety culture. Here is a list of



Best Industrial Safety Slogans

Safety is a necessity to have in everyday life, but keeping a workplace safe can be difficult. A strategy to protect workers from occupational health and safety concerns and prevent accidents, injuries, or harmful events is to post and share industrial safety slogans to remind people to be cautious.


Here are Best Industrial Safety Slogans


Safety is endless


It’s cool to be safe!


Better safe than sorry


Say no to carelessness!


Safety is a state of mind


Work safely or Go home


Safety first, business next


Stay alert, don’t get hurt


Work safely or Hurt greatly


Talk less, do your job safely


Safety: It’s the tool for LIFE


Big or small, safety is for all


Safety begins with team work


Safety first as life is precious


There is no substitute for safety


I want you to protect your hands


Use your head – Use a helmet


Safety: Safety has no time out!!!


Hard hats protect your smart mind


If you got a head, u need a helmet!


Protect your head or end up dead


Check- Re-check- and Check again


I want you to put your gloves right now


Be careful, stay alert – don’t get hurt


Use your head instead of your back


Be a safety hero, score an accident zero


Industrial safety is the key to accident-free


When you gamble with safety, you lose your life


Be mindful of the dangers! Don’t get complacent!


No Safety – Know Pain, Know Safety – No Pain


Work safely. Somebody wants you back home!


Safety: Everyone’s full-time job not a part-time job


Industrial safety: The goal must be zero accident


If you think that safety is expensive, try having an accident


Set the example; never get complacent around the work area!


Fingers are precious, don’t ignore them – or they could end up on the floor


The future is not in your hands! But safety is in your hands, bring the future!


Best Industrial Safety Slogans




Top 10 Industrial Safety Slogans

  1. Walk safely, please
  2. Fire can’t be trusted
  3. Shortcuts cut life short
  4. Safety fits like a glove.
  5. Our aim, no accidents!
  6.  Fire is ruthless, be safe
  7. Safety is everybody’s job
  8. Your life is in your hands
  9. We need you work safely
  10. Small fire will be tall soon




Top 10 Industrial Safety Slogans



Safety Slogans for Chemical Industry

Since you depend on your diligent team members to contribute to the growth and success of your company, you want to express and show your gratitude by ensuring they’re safe and healthy. It is even more important in the chemical industry as risks are doubled to be extra safe.

Ensure your employees follow all the protocols by constantly reminding and educating them of this by following Safety Slogans for Chemical Industry.


Safety first, to last.


Hand in, hamburger out.


Safety first makes us last.


Safety First, Avoid the Worst.


Accidents hurt – Safety doesn’t.


Safety rules are your best tools


Don’t put your life on the line


The safe way is the only way


Don’t learn safety by accident


A CASUAL attitude toward safe


Safety by Choice, Not by Chance


Don’t be a fool. Use the proper tool.


Follow traffic rules, save your future


Save life to obey the traffic rules


Safety saves, Accidents cost you.


Safety fits like a glove; Try one on


Think Safety, Because I Love You Man


You can’t get home, unless you’re safe.


Safety…Do it. Do it right. Do it right now.


Hard hats, they’re not just for decoration.


Don’t be safety blinded, be safety minded.


Eyes are priceless, eye protection is cheap.


The essence of road safety is to live healthy


Hearing protection is a sound investment.


Arms work best when attached to the body


Hug your kids at home, but belt them in the car!


Safety is like a lock – But you are the key


Before you do it, take time to think through it.


Don’t let the light go out, wear eye protection.


Safety is as simple as ABC…Always Be Careful


To avoid a scene, keep your workplace clean


Courtesy and common sense promote safety.


Ignoring a warning can cause much mourning.


The adage “look before you leap” is a lifesaver.


Tomorrow – Your reward for working safely today.


Forgot your hearing protection? Forget about hearing!


Working safely may get old, but so do those who practice it


Falling objects can be brutal if you don’t protect your noodle


Disobedience of traffic rules exterminate the purpose of life


Falling objects can be brutal if you don’t protect your noodle.


Safety is a frame of mind – So concentrate on it – all the time


Safety Slogans for Chemical Industry



Safety Slogans for Manufacturing Company

Industrial Safety Slogans are Important for Inspiring new levels of dedication from your staff for increased productivity, lower absenteeism, and a positive mindset toward the workplace.


Safety pays


Work together


Dare to be aware.


Safe and healthy!


It hurts to be unsafe.


Safety starts with me


Take time out for safety


If you mess up, ‘fess up.


Safety will set you free.


Leave horse play to horses.


Keep your eyes on safety.


Lift with your legs, not your back.


Make safety a part of your work


Mowing and drinking doesn’t cut it.


Make safety first, and make it last.


Home safe–not just for baseball.


One safe act can lead to another.


Informed is better than deformed.


Health and safety, words to live by.


Hey, wanna see something cool?


If caught in a riptide: go with the flow.


If the cord has a fray, throw it away.


Leave firework displays to professionals.


Have another day – by being safe today!


Mixing bleach and ammonia can be deadly.


Keep safety in mind. It will save your behind.


If you drink and drive, you might as well smoke.


Lifting’s a breeze when you bend at the knees.


If you think safety is expensive, try ignorance.


If you’re going to be stupid, you have to be tough!


Is better to crash into a nap… than to nap into a crash.


Momma didn’t raise no fool… I use PPE to stay cool!


My job provides my paycheck, but safety takes me home.


Have your furnace checked every year by a professional.


Don’t be a fool, cause safety is cool, so make that your rule.


Just because you always did it that way, doesn’t make it right.


Learn from others mistakes, don’t have others learn from you


If you think your safety specialist is a pain, try a leg fracture.


Is better to lose one minute in life… than to lose life in a minute.


Ice skating on thin ice can be deadly, skate in supervised areas.


In case of injury remember “rice”- rest, ice, compress and elevate.


It’s easier to ask a dumb question than it is to fix a dumb mistake..


Safety Slogans for Manufacturing Company



Safety Slogans in Pharmaceutical Industry

Safety slogans aim to lessen workplace mishaps while safeguarding employees’ safety and health. They can increase worker awareness of safety issues and remind the workforce to follow any applicable ty laws, rules, and standards. Use the following slogans to achieve the above.


Here is a list of Safety Slogans in the Pharmaceutical Industry.


Safety in – we win


Safety – Live with it


You can’t cure stupidity.


When in doubt get out


Safety has no time out


Success is no accident


Never forget about safety


A spill, a slip, a hospital trip.


Safety – it’s the tool for LIFE


When safety is first, you last.


Protect your back – Use a jack.


Use your eyes, don’t lose them


Safety – everyone’s full time job


Your accidents affect others too.


Work safe today–heaven can wait.


When it’s hot, drink plenty of fluids.


Safety… You will regret if you forget.


Pencils have erasers–mishaps don’t!


Safety Glasses – All in favour say EYE


No safety know pain, know safety no pain.


Be a safety hero – score an accident zero


When jogging, run against the traffic flow.


The chance taker is the accident maker


Operating a boat while intoxicated is illegal.


When you gamble with safety you bet your life


Lifting’s a breeze when you bend at the knees


Safety is a cheap and effective insurance policy


Remember – Safety is not a job; it is a way of life.


Safety doesn’t slow the job down but mishaps do.


People helping people–lending hands for our safety.


It’s better to correct an unsafe friend than to bury one


Safety comes in a can, I can, You can, We can be safe


New Year Resolution – if its unsafe I will find a solution


While on a ladder, never step back to admire your work.


Your safety is everyone’s responsibility, especially yours.


While on a ladder, never step back to admire your work


You can eat with false teeth, you can’t see with a glass eye


Organ donor — A person who doesn’t wear his or her helmet.


You get the level of safety that you are prepared to walk past.


The best car safety device is a rear-view mirror with a cop in it


It’s better to lose one minute in life… than to lose life in a minute.


Don’t forget the basics of safe boating when you’re out on the water.


Safety Slogans in Pharmaceutical Industry



Safety Slogan In the Production Industry


Zero tolerance on safety


We need you! Work safely


Safety first makes us last. S


Be hand-in-glove with safety.


You can never over do Safety


Safety awareness saves lives


Better to lock out than luck out


Safety rules are your best tools.


Use your wits…use padded mitts.


Don’t work alone Watch for others


Safety isn’t expensive its priceless.


Safety… You will regret if you forget


Safety – a good friend to take home


Safe actions bring lasting satisfaction.


Safe Operators are Smooth Operators


Using Safety gloves is all in your hands.


Protect your hands…..Use your head.


Guard against man eating machines


Machine guards keep you on your side.


Wishing won’t keep you safe; Safety Will


Working together gets the job done safely.


Working without Safety is a Dead-End Job


Make safety a reality and don’t be a fatality


Safety is like a lock – But you are the key.


Prepare & prevent instead of repair & repent.


Courtesy and common sense promote safety


Safety is as simple as ABC…Always Be Careful.


Working safely each day will keep the doctor away.


Open the Door to Safety: Awareness is the Key!


Personal Protective Equipment is Self Defence


Time runs out on luck. Do the job the safe way


What you don’t know about Safety could Hurt you


Why learn the hard way? Obey safety rules.


Flesh and Bone are no match for a grinding Stone


One bad day at the grinder could ruin your whole life.


Trying to make up time could cost you your life.


Safety is a full time job, don’t make it a part time practice.


Replacing a saw guard is easier than replacing a finger


Think sharp…never handle broken glass with bare hands.


The door to Safety swings on the hinges of common sense.


Safety Slogan In Production Industry



Safety Slogan For New Industry


Be aware Take care


Be alert! Accidents hurt.


Stop ! Think ! Then Act!


Safety…Do It For Family


Yes safety is my business


Do the do’s not the don’ts


Be aware of slips and trips.


Lead the way, safety today


A spill, a slip, a hospital trip


Think safety and act Safely.


Accidents hurt, Safety doesn’t.


Avoid the worst. Put safety first.


Safety is a race we can all win


Our Job is Anchored in Safety


Being safe is in your own hands.


Quench the thirst–Safety First


Safety is our goal…Whats yours


Break the drive and arrive alive.


Business stalls if you slip and fall


Save tomorrow. think safety today


A harness is better than a hearse.


SAFETY – The measure of success.


If in doubt check it out – Safety First.


Accidents Big Or Small, Avoid Them All


At work at play, let safety lead the way.


Protect your thoughts and wear a hard hat.


Keep a grip on life and protect your hands.


To avoid a scene keep your work place clean.


A clean floor everyday keeps lost days away.


An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure


Check your shoes and don’t let your day slip away.


10 fingers, 10 toes 2 eyes 1 nose…safety counts


10 fingers. 10 toes, If you are not safe Who knows?


Wear safety shoes and keep a good footing on life.


A tree never hits an automobile except in self defense


hose who work the safest way, live to work another day!


Behind the wheel, anger is one letter away from danger.


Best gift you can give your family is YOU! Please be safe


Safety Slogan For New Industry



World Best Industrial Safety Slogans


Click it or ticket!


No Belt. No Brains


Give them a Brake!


Courtesy is contagious


Knock out…accidents


No safety – know pain


Know safety – no pain


Life’s short, don’t rush it


Never give safety a day off


Know safety No Accidents


Lead the way, safety today


If you mess up, ‘fess up


Click clack front and back.


Choose safety, for your family.


Don’t learn safety by accident.


Prevent a jam, don’t open spam


Forget the nurse with safety first.


Get in high speed pursuit of safety


Light up your tree – not your home


Only You can prevent forest fires!


Get smart! Use safety from the start.


Have another day by being safe today!


Chance takers are accident makers


Don’t be hasty when it comes to safety.


Hard hats, they’re not just for decoration


Doesn’t matter how far. JUST BELT UP!


Keep a grip on life and protect your hands


Fingers toes, If you are not safe Who knows?


Got crazy with the lighter? Call a firefighter.


Housekeeping you skip may cause a fall or slip.


Never drive faster than your guardian angel can fly


One bad day at the grinder could ruin your whole life


If you don’t know the sender, it might be a pretender


Let’s all keep our heads, and other body parts, together


Protect your hands, you need them to pick up your pay check


Don’t leave Private information on a public computer screen


Do you have eye for safety or are you blinded by bad habits


It’s easier to ask a dumb question than it is to fix a dumb mistake


It only takes one mistake to bring us all down; don’t let it be yours!


Keeping your work area clean, helps keep hazards from being unseen.


World Best Industrial Safety Slogans



Safety Slogans Manufacturing


Play it safe


Stop drop & roll


Safety starts with me.


Speed Thrills but Kills.


Look sharp don’t get cut


Safety first and last longer.


The safe way is the only way.


The stupid shall be punished


Be aware of slips and trips


Quench the thirst – safety first


Safe crane operation is uplifting


Think safety avoid unsafe acts


Normal speed meets every need


Zero compromise towards safety


Work safely to-day and every day


Save tomorrow. Think safety today.


Safety by Choice, Not by Chance.


Failing to prepare = Prepare to fail


Safety doesn’t happen by accident


Safety first…because accidents last.


Safety starts with S but begins with you


A wound neglected is a wound infected


Watch your step – it could be your last


Safety starts with “S” but begins with “YOU”.


Safety: more fun than running with scissors


Safety… It can charm you, or ALARM you!


Safety…Did it, done it, doing it tomorrow


Safety…one habit you never need to break


Always think safety no matter what the task


Seatbelts save lives. Buckle up everytime.


Safety – A small investment for a rich future


The only trip you take should be on vacation.


Safety Slogans Manufacturing



Industrial Safety Slogans with Pictures

Stand up for safety


Best Be Safe Today


Safety is no accident


Our Goal—Zero Harm


Stop! Think! Then act!


We need you–work safely


Think smart before you start.


Prevention is better than cure.


Safety Is Free, Use Plenty Of It.


Unsafe acts will keep you in stitches


Zero compromise towards safety.


Leave sooner, drive slower, live longer.


Safety is a mission not an intermission


To prevent a drastic call, Install a firewall


Stay safe, someone at home is waiting for you.


Safety is success by purpose – Not Accident.


Tomorrow: Your reward for working safely today.


Safety is as simple as ABC – Always Be Careful


Watch your step – it could be your last tomorrow


Watch where you walk or you might need a walker.


Those who work the safest way- live to see another day


Always look after No.1 and if you need help just ask


Safety comes in a can, I can, You can, We can be safe.


Think sharp….never handle broken glass with bare hands.


Safety is about doing the right thing, even if no one is looking.


The door to Safety swings on the hinges of common sense


Safety is a state of mind – Accidents are an absence of mind


Industrial Safety Slogans with Pictures



Best Safety Slogans for Chemical Industry


Safe to do? Ask


Get the safety habit


Be aware – Take care


Work smarter, not harder


Safety is our business too


Do the do’s not the don’t s


We need you – to work safely


Safety begins with teamwork


Wipe up and avoid a slip-up


KISS Keep it Safe and Sound


Safety is free to use it generously


Check for safety then recheck


Safety is our goal what’s yours?


One safe act can lead to another


A harness is better than a hearse


Don’t fix the blame, fix the problem


Safety records don’t happen by accident


If you are aware of it take care of it


Safety is the most productive business


Watch your step – it could be your last


Safety – a good friend to take home


Make safety a reality and don’t be a fatality


Safety First, Last and Always


Don’t get caught in the web of unsafe acts


The safety risk is the one you didn’t take


Accident prevention – Your No. 1 intention


You safety gears are between your ears.


Hearing protection is a sound investment


Safety is success by purpose – Not Accident


Working without safety is a dead end job


To avoid a scene keep your workplace clean


You get what you inspect, not what you expect


A casual attitude towards safety = CASUALTY


Safety is as simple as ABC – Always Be Careful


Make your plant the best – safer than all the rest


Know safety – No injury, No safety – Know injury


Think positive an accident is only an attitude away


Safety comes before schedule only in the dictionary


Hear to-day gone tomorrow – use you hearing protection


Safety is a full time job – don’t make it a part time practice


Chemical Plant Safety Slogans



Chemical Plant Safety Slogans

Safety slogans can raise employee morale, encourage individuals to work safely, and share knowledge about the workplace, which can increase worker productivity. Safety Slogans are typically placed on the wall, doorways, or other surfaces where workers may see them. They can be a very effective instrument for assuring employee loyalty to company safety rules and regulations and keeping workers safe.

Following are Chemical Plant Safety Slogans


Safety in – we win


Be aware, Take care


Safety is no accident.


Make safety a habit.


Safety – Live with it


Safety starts with you.


Be alert, accidents hurt.


Hand in, hamburger out


Safety is our No1 Priority


Your safety is our priority.


Think safety, work safely.


Know safety, No Accidents


Safety begins with teamwork.


Safety – it’s the tool for LIFE


Safety – everyone’s full time job


Before you start be safety smart


Safety is everyone’s responsibility.


Safety doesn’t happen by accident.


Safety is free — use it generously


If you are aware of it, take care of it


Make safety a reality, don’t be a fatality


Safety is a journey, not a destination.


Safety: it’s not just a job, it’s a way of life.


Don’t take chances, take precautions.


Safety Glasses – All in favor say EYE


Keep safety in mind, it will save your behind.


No Safety – Know Pain, Know Safety – No Pain


Be a safety hero – score an accident zero


When you gamblw with safety you bet your life


Lifting’s a breeze when you bend at the knees


Best Safety Slogans for Chemical Industry



Manufacturing Safety Slogans

Regarding workplace safety, some beneficial reinforcement can go a long way. The easiest way to avoid workplace mishaps is to teach employees the value of adhering to safety protocols and what is better than using catchy slogans to remind them.

Here is a list of manufacturing safety slogans:


Do your best


Be sure be safe


Risk – is is worth it?


You can’t cure stupid


Safety is a way of life


Take 5 and Stay Alive


No Safety, Know Pain


Always Be prepared.


Stop unsafe acts now


Risk Makes Sense


Electricity can turn you off.


Knock out… accidents


Celebrate what went right


Safety – it’s in your hands


Safety Is a Choice You Make


Stay Alert – Don’t Get Hurt


Always be proactive about safety.


Always manage the lift.


Safety glasses: All in favor say “Eye!”


Always practice good housekeeping.


Safety first, last, and always.


Put your brakes on speed


Think safety – it couldn’t hurt


Let safety be a sponge – soak it up


Safety begins with No. 1


Safety first and last longer


whats holding you back?


Wipe Up and avoid a Slip Up!


Work together…work safely.


Your first mistake could be your last


Your reward for working safely today.


The Key To Safety Is in Your Hands


Your good health is your greatest wealth


Always assess the risks, Stop and think.


Know safety, no injury. No safety, know injury


Always remember all accidents are preventable.


When you gamble with safety ..You bet your life.


Always take the safest path, never take shortcuts.


Always deter from situations you’re not trained to handle.


Slogan Industrial Safety Electrical Safety Slogan



Factory Safety Slogans

This blog article includes hundreds of catchy and original industrial safety slogans to keep workers safe. These catchphrases perfectly sum up everything you should do to create the safest working environment possible.

Here are the best Industrial Slogans for Safety


Fire safety On – Fear gone


Safety never takes a break!


I am safe by choice, are you?


Everyone has a hand in safety


Hands up, Wear your gloves


Your hands are in your hands


Think safety, avoid unsafe acts


Always use helmet during work


Using hard hat is a wise choice


Be Alert! Expect the Unexpected


I want you to put your hard hat on


Quality and safety go hand in hand


Use your brain to protect your head


Stop accidents before they stop you


Stop! Your hand is near a pinch point


Use your eyes to protect your hands


Using safety gloves is the wise choice


Protect your hands, protect your family


Plan for safety or prepare for Accident


Think Safety today, Be Alive Tomorrow


Safety…, do it, do it right, do it right now


Protect only the fingers you want to keep!


Accident bring tears, safety brings cheers


Start with safe hands, finish with safe hands


Work safely, you may not get a second chance


Always remember, all accidents are preventable


Always take the safest path, never take shortcuts


Your hand is your most important tool – Protect it!


“It’s not how fast you go it’s knowing when to go slow”.


Always be responsible for the safety of yourself and others


A helmet on your head will keep you away from a hospital bed!


Industrial Slogans for Safety





All workers should actively participate in supporting an organization’s workplace safety program in order to ensure that the workforce is secured and that workers arrive home safely each day. Here are a few suggestions on how to maintain safe industrial Environment.


Maintain a clean workspace: Any unnecessary materials nearby or on the employee’s workspace should be avoided. Also, they must thoroughly cleanse any shared workspaces and wipe their workstations off any spillage.


Always report dangerous situations: Workers can experience hesitation to alert supervisors to specific harmful situations and risks out of concern for their or others’ safety. This may increase the likelihood of an injury or accident on the job, which could be more favorable to a healthy working atmosphere. To assist in safeguarding their coworkers and themselves, all employees must immediately report any harmful conditions. Once a danger or hazard is discovered, notify the appropriate parties to assist in mitigating it immediately and efficiently.


Use safety gear when necessary: Given that this advice can seem simple, it’s crucial to remind employees always to wear the required personal protective equipment. Workers must frequently remember to wear essential safety gear, including eyewear or protective clothing. They may decide not to because they believe they can complete the task faster without it. Constantly remind employees to wear the appropriate PPE prescribed to keep them safe and shield them from illness or injury.


Keep up with the latest protocols or practices: Ensure employees are always informed of any new policies, guidelines, or equipment that may be implemented in the workplace. Appropriate education and training must be given to ensure that employees are aware of what must be done to prevent a potential incident.


Don’t cut corners: Employees may need more time to finish tasks. Thus they may skip steps to do so. They might also need to learn to use particular tools or equipment, delaying task completion. At all costs, you should avoid this. Remind team members that following procedures and workflows is the safest course of action because they were meticulously created to eliminate any possibility of risk.



Frequently Asked Questions/FAQs

What is the best safety slogan?

Following are the best Safety slogans.

  • Safety is not by chance.
  • spill, slip, and visit the hospital.
  • Know safety, Avoid Mishaps.
  • Be careful at work now and every day.
  • Your biggest asset is your good health.
  • Use the right tool; don’t be an idiot.
  • Your biggest asset is your good health.



What are some slogans for industrial safety?

Following are some of the best Slogans for Industrial Safety

  • Safety cannot be substituted.
  • Zero accidents must be the goal of industrial safety.
  • Please don your gloves immediately away.
  • Be wary of the risks! Don’t become sloppy!
  • Work safely; someone is waiting for you at home!
  • Workplace safety is essential for preventing accidents.
  • Try getting into an accident if you believe that safety is expensive.



What are the best safety quotes for work?

Following are the best Safety Quotes for work to invoke emotions and inspiration among people.

  • At the end of the day, the goals are simple: Safety and security.
  • The danger which is least expected soonest comes to us.
  • They were willing to work all the time; and when people did their best, ought they not to be able to keep alive?
  • Safety applies with equal force to the individual, the family, the employer, the state, the nation, and international affairs. Safety, in its widest sense, concerns the happiness, contentment, and freedom of mankind.
  • Teaching the world to be careful is a constructive service worthy of God’s great gift of life to man.
  • What would we do if a plane crashed today and 100 people died? What would we do if it happened again tomorrow? And the next day? We’d ground air traffic. We wouldn’t live with that. It’s been going on every day on our nation’s roadways for the last 40, 50, or 60 years.
  • It is my sincere wish and hopes that the day will come when the protecting arms of Universal Safety will spread out over all industries and reach all the millions of workers who make the industry possible.

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My passion for writing comes more from reading and writing as a hobby. I am that person who loves to spend time buried in books and research. Enjoy every piece of content you see here as i am here to entertain you with creative words.


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